Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: Could have been way better but decent. why cant you switch to a first person view and if you dont like it switch back.
Graphics: cool explosions nice weather effects and all that. but could have been way better....... where is the bump mapping at..... That is the Xbox strenth in graphics
Audio: sound ssssss..........................................................................
Suggestions: Better sound and better controls. Where is the bump mapping at? remember that is the xbox specialty
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: pretty dawm good controls.....................................................
Graphics: awesom graphics...............................................................
Audio: excellent sound.........................................
Suggestions: none what so ever
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: the gameplay is nice nice nice.... Pretty much just like halo's. putting the game in slow motion to dodge pullets and have a better aim on your enemy is way cool.
Graphics: the graphics are cool. the characters animation is a nice solid foundation. The level design is alright.
Audio: Sound could have a lot more work don on it. Just above average on the qaulity of the sound......
Suggestions: Make sound better and story line not so lame.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is easy to learn. The controls are nice and tight. I dont think the game play can be any better in this game
Graphics: The graphics exceeds are the hype sounding this game visuals expectations. Beautifuly Bump mapped worlds and characters.
Audio: Good music with good weather sounds. Awesom weapon sound effects with the enemys sounds pretty good also. Pretty hellish good
Suggestions: How in the hell is Halo 2 going to be better than this!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Game Play is as detailed as it gets. The best yet in any game period!! It takes a little time to get all the controls down. But once you accomplish that it is a very easy and plentiful experience.
Graphics: Well I will say this, Yes even better than Halo's graphics!!! Lighting is the bomb, the details of the levels are so so unbelivable. Pushing the graphical capabilities of the Xbox to new heights. It will be a long time before a game can top these graphics or by pass them.
Audio: The sound is innovate and couldd only be done this great and craftful only on Xbox. Surround sound with the game at moments sounds better than most movies. Best sound ever. Best everything in a game ever.
Suggestions: The only suggesting I have, is I keep running out of bullets halfway threw out each mission. Why cant I pick up other ammunition of the people I killed? Beside that what a freaking awesom game UBI SOFT
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10