Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Serious Sam
Overall: Hords of headless freaks and the biggest collection of weird and exoctic creatures from all across the universe ever created, and all you're armed with is a double barreled shotgun.
oh yeah!
This game is worth getting a new X-BOX, because once you buy it, you'll never want to eject the game.
Gameplay: This game is truly prefect, you enter several large arena style areas through the game, where you must face several hundred enemys. The raw rush from watching your ammo counter dwindle and perish, while hords headless soldiers assult towards you.
The multiplayer mode is also a true winner, I still have no idea how Croteam managed to enshure such addictive multiplayer gameplay while mantaining an enjoyable single player game.
Graphics: The visuals of this game are nothing less than awsome, honestly there are times where you must face several hundred highly detailed enemys.
Audio: The ambient sound seamlessly treansitions as the game progresses.
Often the sound you've been hearing throught the level is infact one of the things which you must face off.
Suggestions: Keep up the awsome work Croteam
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10