Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Blade 2

Gameplay: It has a good gameplay except for the fact that there are to much little bugs in it, and you cannot use the sword whenever you want, you only get it when you are raged or whatever, but the positive thing is that you must choose ur equipment before the mission begins, and gotta think with what you do, so you cannot choose a pistol(wichs fun to shoot with lol) with 1 magazin and shoot like 10 bullets on each vamp, you gotta use your brains with that one
Graphics: The graphics are kinda crappy for a Xbox game, not much to say about it, i think it sux, the scenes are blocky
Audio: sound is good, the music rox and the gunsounds are cool to, but most voices aren't real, thats to bad
Suggestions: the graphics must be better then this, and try to put real voices of the acters and get rid of those annoying reapers ffs and those idiotic zombies
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10