Total Reviews: 7
Average Overall Score Given: 6.57143 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1

The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

Overall: This game is bullsh*t. What did you think of the movie on a scale of one to ten, take that number and make it negative and that's how good this game is on a scale of one to ten. It was extremely rushed and directly ported from the PS2 and it's very very obvious. That's right, it's bullsh*t. I really really really wanted to like this game but after 10 hours, I have given up. I seriously don't think that they knew they were making this game for the Xbox because the Xbox has something special called.....a hard drive! Loading times are long enough that they should have a mini-game to keep an attention. The idea for this game was awesome and these people have just raped it in the butt. I don't mean to sound immature, but that's the best way to put it. Learn from my mistake and don't play this game, or at least rent it first to try it out.

Gameplay: This gameplay is so horrible, I've gone through three controllers because I got so pissed. There is no useful lock-on except for long distance attacks and even then you're getting smacked around pretty bad while the other guy is beating the crap out of you. The controls are alright until you get to Gandalf because in order to switch spells, you push D-left, then you have to scroll through them while you're getting your *ss whipped by somebody. Also, there are literally seven (7) "people" when you reach the doors of Moria and NO ONE fights the water monster except Gandalf (You). NO ONE!!! They don't even shoot an arrow at it. And also, you'de think that you would lead a group of people in the game and all of you fight the enemies, nope, when you regain control at any time in the game (or at least as far as I've got) everyone else just disappears. Poof. They're gone. Not only that, but the camera is COMPLETELY user controlled which is just plain stupid and wrong.

Graphics: Oh, come on!!! This is just plain unexceptable! This is PS2 quality graphics with horrible dialogue sync. It really makes me want to tear my eyes out. The characters are non-textured, non-bitmapped, non-everythinggood and there's a lot of that half-walking through a wall crap. Put some friggin effort into making the game! (In case you looked at the pics on this site, the game setup is completly different)

Audio: The sound is auctually not that bad, it's very subtle and the voices themselves aren't bad. But watching them "talk" (moving their lips every other word) completly overshadows the ok voice acting. They did choose appropriate music for each level which surprised me.

Suggestions: EVERYTHING needs to be revamped! This is really sad and disappointing that you guys obviously didn't give to two (insert curse word of any nature) about this game, I wouldn't even suggest this game to PS2 owners. It's a disgrace to hardcore gamers to even know that you expected us to accept this as a great video game.

Overall Score: 3.0 / 10 Nightcaster: Defeat The Darkness

Overall: This game has really disappointed me. I originally loved the plot and couldn't wait until the game came out. But I ended up renting the game at my local Dillions and tried it out for a couple of days. It reminded me a lot of Gauntlet Legends only without the three other people, more magic, and better worlds. Overall I'm going to call this game a "renter", that's right, I wouldn't suggest buying it. If you're even thinking of buying it you should definitely rent it first (you might even beat the game the first time).

Gameplay: I really liked the controls for Nightcaster, even though they took a while to get used to. Using the orb as an aim was a great idea and those spells are fantastic. I also liked the idea of countering enemies with opposite magic categories. But Arran really needs some combat skills which are not present except for his push which doesn't hurt enemies. And if there's one thing I hate most about enemies it's when there are to many and your overtaken by them. That is why I don't like "hives". You know, those little structures where enemies keep popping out of forever unless you destroy it. This game is all about those "hives". The game really isn't too hard until you get to the last level and it hits you like a brick to the head. In the last level (or what I presume is the last level) you're just overtaken by a zillion enemies like I mentioned above.

Graphics: The visuals in this game are great! Those spells are just too cool to watch (you'll find yourself firing them up when you don't have any enemies around just to see those 3rd level spells). Shadows and light are everywhere which really make a difference and the enemies and surroundings are very well detailed. I would give this game a six if it were on any other game system but I know the Xbox can do better than that so I gave it a 4.5.

Audio: The sound appeal is very good especially for those spells. The music isn't very noticable but I still wish more games would take advantage of the uploadable music off of the Xbox's hard drive (in the future I hope it's standard on games). I noticed they also used music as a way of telling you that you've killed all enemies by a chime which was very helpful. The voices seemed appropriate even though I didn't like the Irish accent very much.

Suggestions: This game would have been soooooo much cooler if you could have recuited an army of people like Lochran and maybe changed to him and used his combat skills and wepons. Or even rallied an army of soldiers and townspeople. And where is the multiplayer!? A good game will have multiplayer (and in the future, online capability). People could have loaded their Arrans up to one Xbox and had a run-around spell casting war. Or even better, a co-op mode which would have been helpful in the last level. Also a way to make each persons mage a special and unique from everyone elses through specializing in a school or things like that.

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 Star Wars: Obi-Wan

Overall: This is a great game. Everything works together really well and fits right into place, although you do have to listen very hard to what the people say.

Gameplay: The gameplay in this is just awesome. Lightsaber fighting is easy to learn but definately a challenge to master, and who doesn't love the lightsaber boomerange (it's soooo cool). The world is easy to navigate and there are a lot of little places and nooks to check out which makes it fun for replay. The worst thing about this game is Obi-Wans voice (see explination below).

Graphics: This is so sad. Why aren't companies pushing the limit with Xbox games? The environments look really good and the water isn't too bad, but the characters almost look like the towns people in Black & White. Alright, maybe not that bad, but why couldn't they have done their graphics like the makers of Shrek?

Audio: I think sound in a game is very important. Almost all of the sounds you hear are well done (like the lightsaber swing, or the lightsaber throw). Unforunatly, you hear Obi-Wan talk a LOT. His voice is so annoying! It's some kind of mix of Austrailian accent, English words, and the voice of someone who can't breath through their nose. It's just plane weird.

Suggestions: They most defiantly needed multiplayer cooperative mode, that would make the game so much cooler. Change Obi-Wan's voice (did it cost that much to get the origional actor's voice?). Your game, like most Xbox games out there, had so much potential to be increibly awesome, but you gave that up through the small details. But you had the right idea, right system, wrong execution.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 Shrek

Overall: Horrible. The whole gameplay is hard and it just plane sucks. This auctually is my sister's, but I tried it out and it's very hard. You can't even kill the other "people", all you can do is knock them around, oh, but you can die (which makes no sense at all).

Gameplay: The game play is basically "collect these things, put them here". That's it. Not only is it boring, but it's very hard to do because usually whatever you collect or do is undone by something else. Then you go to kill that thing because it took you 20 minutes to catch/do whatever it just undid and you can't kill it, just smack it around abit. Then that thing is after you and you die.

Graphics: The graphics are fantastic in this game. There is so much detail everywhere, but there is nothing interesting to do. Everything just looks awesome. I wish all Xbox games went into this kind of detail.

Audio: The sound in this game is okay, not great, but not horrible either. Almost everything has a couple of sounds when you kick it or punch it, although you're not paying much attention to the fact that you're always trying to kill something you can't.

Suggestions: Basically the game needed more diverse missions and the ability to "kill" characters that can "kill" you.

Overall Score: 4.0 / 10 Dark Summit

Overall: It was the first snowboarding game for the Xbox (I love snowboarding games) but that's the main reason why I bought it. The game itself is OK, but it could definatly use more work. If you are looking for a snowboarding game, go get Amped or SSX Tricky.

Gameplay: Like I said, the game is OK when you first play it, but it gets a little repetetive. The controls are pretty easy to figure out, but take a couple days to get down really good. But most important: There's only 2 (two) multiplayer games. C'mon!

Graphics: I give a five for the graphics and the detail they put into everything like the junk laying around on the slope and the shading on the snow. They could have added in some more videos I really only counted about 3 or 4.

Audio: The sounds are pretty cool, like when you push people over and stuff like that. I completely agree with
Stephen on the music because I have a Dolby sound system too, but I just stick my big screen on split and listen to some MTV.

Suggestions: -There is SOOO much you guy's could have done with this game but it seems like it was put out quickly as a snowboarding filler.
-There are so many multiplayer possibilities I don't have room to type 'em.
-Get rid of the goo pits and mines, seriously, the junk and the alien stuff is already too unbelieveable for a ski/snowboarding mountain.
-WHAT THE #&@$ HAPPENED TO THE OTHER AGENT'S GEAR AND SNOWBOARDS!?!? Upgrading is the ONLY reason for trick points, after that there is no reason to do trick except for challenges.
-Why weren't all of the agents available at the beginning? The only reason I can think of is because the other agents don't have gear to earn.

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 Dead or Alive 3

Overall: This is a GREAT game. The story is pretty shallow, but there is a really good assortment of sub-games (like time attack, tag battle, team battle,....).

Gameplay: The characters have a large and great looking assortment of special moves and throws and the controls are pretty easy to learn at first.

Graphics: These graphics are the best out there no doubt, I'm even tempted to say they are better than the arcade versions. But, theres no blood which would make it all the more realistic.

Audio: The sounds are pretty good and well placed but each charater has about two different saying they say right after they win but it really doesn't matter.

Suggestions: You guys definatly could have put in more sounds/statements, work on sparring mode would have been nice because it's kinda hard to get some of those moves perfect, and ya need online gaming (but I'm sure thats going to be included in the upgrade disk, right?!) Gawd, online deathmatches would be THE coolest. The movies for each character are WAY to shallow and hardly explain anything. If you guys are gunna put out stuff like that you need to have movies explaining things up to that point too (which would probably be the same thing as making longer movies, lol;)

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Halo: Combat Evolved

Overall: This game is just too sweet, the graphics are great, the detail is awsome, the worlds are huge, there are no loading screens except at the beginning, and the story is awsome.

Gameplay: It's just awsome! There are so many hours of replay potential! The multiplayer option could use some vehicles, but the sub-games for it are so fun.

Graphics: Like I said, the graphics just blow everything else away. The only problem is close to the end when there are a bazillion things happening all at once it slows but only for a couple of seconds.

Audio: I love the music, it's so subtle when it starts and leaves and when you shoot the aliens their reactions are pretty funny but you usually don't have enough time to hear them.

Suggestions: Like I already said, there is so much replay value in this game, especially with the 4 xbox link ability and online play.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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