Average Overall Score Given: 7.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Serious Sam

Gameplay: Mama mia!! What a great time I had playing this amazing game-ah. Serious Sam-ah is my kind of paisan!!
Graphics: Aaaayy!! This-ah game-ah make me a very hungry. The blood remind-ah me of mama's sauce. I love-ah mama.
Audio: OOOFFAAHH!!! The sound of the guns is like-ah beautiful opera with beautiful fat woman singing. I start-ah to cry now.
Suggestions: Ciao!! Francesco Rinaldi!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

the game that I could've used that
pistol on myself. Horrible and
Gameplay: Wasn't anything special. Been
there, done that. The cool thing
about it was that you could
strangle people.
Graphics: Didn't see much that I liked. The
backgrounds were boring and
bland. And looking at that guys
bald head gave me the creeps.
Audio: Nothing too revolutionary here
either. Gun blasts could've been
better as the voices of the victims.
Suggestions: Take your time to think through the
next one.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

pumped playing this game that
afterwards I almost drop kicked
my dad in the neck.
Gameplay: So tight!! I felt as though I were
one of those four buddies in the
spec ops team. I wanted to be
Graphics: Seriously? There were moments
where I found myself picking sand
out of my teeth. I also thought I
smelled goats in my den. CRAZY!!
Audio: Awesome sound in this game. I
swear, that drill sargeant sounded
so real, he made me feel like that
Private Pile guy, except that I'm not
as fat as him.
Suggestions: Keep doing what you're doing
because it's some awesome stuff!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10