Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 131
Rallisport Challenge

Gameplay: Gameplay is working fine in this game although I would love to be able to use the right thumbstick for acceleration and braking like in PGR and CMR 3. Other than this I have no gripes here. The cars handle VERY good. Levels are plentiful and diverse.
Graphics: This game delivers some beautiful locations with good attention to detail. I noticed right away the bump mapped track below me looking SO good and snow and mud flying when hitting corners etc. Cars are a joy to look at. Also the ability to hit banner signs is nice and can cause some funny moments in MP.
Audio: Sound is nice and again makes you feel right in the mix of things. The sound of all the cars taking off is great.
Suggestions: Take full advantage of the split screen features instead of making room for a progress line on a black background. This could have been implemented in the screens without taking up more room since it gets a bit tricky for 3 or 4 persons to fully utilize the screen area they are given.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

I seldom get scared or spooked by a game but this game made me shiver more than once.
Gameplay: Controls are easy as pie after some getting used to. Left thumbstick for movement and right for camera etc. The fighting system is nothing short of amazing. The ability to change from punch to kick then back to punching and vice versa "on the fly" is extremely well executed and leaves alot of combos open (+50 moves according to the manual). Also the special Slayer kicks and punches are fantastic. I'm actually looking forward to the next fight feeling almost unbeatable after sending a vamp to hell. The use of many different "everyday" weapons such as baseball bats, brooms, rakes and the almighty Reaper just adds to the diversity.
I'm so amazed by this game that I'm currently re-completing it in "Hard" mode :)
Graphics: The graphics are amazing. This is a scary game and the atmosphere is caught perfectly with dark crypts lit by the odd torch and foggy cemetaries to the the evening glow lit Sunnydale High School. The way an opponent turns into burning dust when staked or reaper'd looks truly fantastic. The levels have a VERY realistic feel to them even though we are talking vamps and monsters here. Buffy is made to perfection, especially her face stands out, and the opposition is also very well made. A true joy to behold. Sometimes I find myself exploring and looking around just to see how well it's all done. I have completed the game and can say that no part of this game was a dissappointment for me. One of my favourite levels is the Dreamer's Realm - Islands. Xbox in scary games mode? = 2 thumbs up :)
Audio: This is a vital part of the game since it delivers all the creepy sounds and music. The sound effects are as to be expected by now = amazing and realistic giving the topic of the game. The dialog from the characters is so very funny and fits perfectly to this scary game and works surprisingly well.
To hear a vamp say "crap" after being staked always makes me laugh.
Buffy's lines never get boring for me and I didn't know until after I finished the game that it isn't Sarah Michelle Gellar that voices Buffy in the game. Who ever did the Buffy voice work sure fooled me good = very well done. Music or general soundtrack is scary and hauntingly beautiful and fits right in this genre. 5.1 just makes matters worse in the good way = I get scared stiff often by the eerie sounds creeping up on me. TOP MARKS !!
Suggestions: Since you did such a great job in this game I do hope you will make a sequel and this time please get the REAL Buffy to do voices. Her stand-in did an excellent job but to give us hardcore fans a true Buffy feel this would be greatly appreciated.
Also consider adding more Slayers.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

It's easily one of the most beautiful xbox games out there.
The speed is SO breathtaking that one sometimes can't even keep up. DOA 3 is truly a fantastic game.
Gameplay: The different modes makes the appeal to play last longer. The controls are perfect, but beware! It's takes alot of practice to master the sometimes +100 moves per player....if it is at all possible hehe. That would take a true addict.
This game can reluctantly be played as a "button smasher" but that aspect is not entertaining at me!!. When taking time to learn the MANY moves a certain player has and then to see it work in a fight is a pure joy and makes you want to learn more.
Some characters stand out for me: Jann Lee and Brad Wong. Jann's style of Bruce Lee's AWESOME Jeet Kune Do and Brad's drunken Kung-Fu is extremely enjoyable to play and done with great respect to the actual style of these arts. Also the characters with ninja styles are very enjoyable to play.
The options are great. The sparring mode with training in particular makes it possible to try out all the moves. All in all this games delivers more than I could have hoped for except 1 thing: the story mode is WAY too short and the boss at the end is annoying me senseless (gimme a weapon and it's fair), but he can be beaten of course.
Graphics: Not much to say here. The visuals are extremely well done and detailed. The players are modelled perfectly with beautiful face and body renderings. Facial expressions and eye lids that moves = GREAT!. The levels themselves are, again, extremely well done and the multilevel or drop level system is a truly great addition.
On certain level the crowd is animated and makes for an even better atmosphere. Top marks here !!
Audio: The audio is also VERY well done. Per character sounds are detailed and enjoyable especially Jann Lee with his taunting Bruce Lee antics.
The in-game sounds when fighting are breathtaking ie. when some1 gets pounded or slamd into a wall the sound is almost blowing my speakers out.
Music is great also though I could imagine some other alternatives to Aerosmith (though I love their music). All in all the sound is perfect for me.
Suggestions: In story mode to be able to play ALL the characters before the boss is a wish of mine. More levels/maps in multiplayer mode. More characters...yes EVEN more more moves to master hehe.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10