Batman: Dark Tomorrow (Original Xbox) by Kemco

Batman: Dark Tomorrow (Xbox) by Kemco Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: March 18, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
5.00 / 10


Explosions echo throughout the mean streets of Gotham as rival gangs battle for control of the city. Anarchy reigns supreme with the sudden disappearance of Police Commissioner James Gordan and the lockdown of Arkham Asylum, home for the criminally insane. By using all of his skills, both mental and physical, as well as a variety of gadgets, Batman must stop the gang war, infiltrate Arkham Asylum, and rescue the Commissioner. During this time, Batman must also piece together clues to discover the mastermind behind these seemingly unrelated events and stop an evil plan that threatens the fate of the entire world!


Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Sunday, January 19, 2003
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Thursday, June 13, 2002

User Reviews

Score: 50
Overall User Average: 5.00 / 10 (50.0%)
Gameplay User Average: 4.40 / 10
Graphics User Average: 7.00 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.20 / 10
Date reviewed: November 10, 2003.

Overall: The appeal of this game comes solely from the "Batman" title. Fans of the comic book and cartoon series might be slightly amused by the ability to use some of Batman's gadgets, but the game itself is a bomb.
Gameplay: Terrible. Simply terrible. After an intro cutscene which seems to go on forever, you suddenly find yourself in an alley facing three people that just robbed a convenience store. After stomping them, another cutscene appears, these first three villians having meant absolutely nothing and having no relation to anything else in the game (I assume it was supposed to be a "training mission" of sorts). Suddenly, you find yourself on a rooftop, and have to swing from building to building to reach your destination, which is highlited in red on your radar.
After swinging from building to building, you reach Commissioner Gordon, who askss you to intervene in a turf war going on between a few villians somewhere in town. When you get there, the game gets worse. You have to fight a gang armed with machine guns, and the control on the game is awful. The fighting is the usual punch-and-kick variety, with the occasional Batarang thrown in for good measure. The Batarang system is also a letdown, as sometimes you immediately throw the weapon, and others it goes to a form of aiming screen when you push the button to enact the weapon.
Graphics: The movies in the cutscenes look great. Unfortunately, the graphics during the actual gameplay don't look much better than the old Batman Returns game for the Sega Genesis.
Further, I have never played a game with worse camera angles. When moving Batman, the camera will suddenly shift, and you find yourself no longer moving in the direction you originally intended. Terrible.
Sound: The sound was fine, but after dealing with the terrible gameplay and lackluster graphics, no amount of brooding music and cutscene dialog could save this turkey.
Suggestions: This is a terrible game. I can't think of any suggestions to improve it, because the entire thing is a fiasco. I guess if I have to say something nice about it, I'd say nice job on the cutscene movies. Otherwise, you totally dropped the ball on this one.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 10, 2003.

Overall: Oh my goodness! Where to start? Well, with one word I can sum this game up - stupid. Well, I thought that the trailer and screenshots looked nice, but that's about the only thing that this patethic game has going for it. So what's wrong with the game?, you may ask. What's NOT wrong with the game is my response. Read below if you care.
Gameplay: Crap. Total and utter crap. First off, there is no camera controls. Note to developer: WRONG! Boot to the head. You are running along and can only see your particular screen from the default camera angle. You have no way of moving the angle around to see where anything else is.

Second, when batman fights, he fights like Inspector Gadget or something. He can't fight worth crap. I mean, this is Batman we are talking about. But he is so lame, it's not even funny. Note to developer: Get an idea! Boot to the head.

Third, because of the default camera angle, there are many times that you can't see where you are supposed to step or not step. If you could move the camera, you could see these things. But I guess that these guys were under a tight budget and making a movable camera in a 3D game was just too much thinking! Boot to the head.

There is much more, but if you have read this far, this is enough to say "Save your money". If you still feel like wasting your hard earned $$$, then I'll post my e-mail addy and you can just send it to me :)
Graphics: Graphically, this game looked pretty good. The cutscenes were nicely done and the characters well developed. Also, a much better step up from the previous Batman X-box game. Too bad that the rest of the game was not as nice as the graphics.
Sound: Bleh. At this point, I didn't even bother to listen to the sound. Now I will admit that the intro movie was good and had nice music and sound, but once you start playing the game you are too busy kicking yourself in the butt for shelling out your $$$ on this dumbness to even notice music score or sound effects.
Suggestions: Get a real idea. The graphics and cutscenes are the only thing that you did right in this game. Total bomb, imo.

Oh....btw....Boot to the head!

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: November 8, 2003.

Overall: This game is ok, not the best but its enough to please me (a batman fan since 3yrs) The cut scenes really go with the classic batman.. I already beat the game and i feel i could give a more precise score than others so... The game is amusing, though they do not give you a training level at all, on the rooftop level you have to learn the hard way that you cannot walk accross roof to roof, you have to use the batcable...
Gameplay: Good gameplay, the bosses take brains to beat. And the tecnique for each boss always changes, this game is always fun... (that is if you catch on to the glitches, and use them to your advantage. By glitches i mean to cuff then save.. so when you return you will have full health and the person is cuffed, its cheap but it gets the job done.)
Graphics: Its great... cut scenes are perfect and catch the moment. During gameplay its good, but not perfect... cause the game does not play bright colors well.
Sound: Im impressed, the Voice overs in the cut scenes go in perfectly. During gameplay sound isn't that important...
Suggestions: I loved the flying level where i didn't know what was in front of me... I wana drive in the Batmobile and BatJet if there is a sequel... BTW, robin died in the comic, and where the heck is NightWing... Also I wana fight the Riddler, cause he was mentioned in a letter during the game... i thought he was after the joker.. I was dissapointed with that one bit..

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This looked like a really cool game. I love Batman. I've seen all the movies(good and bad), read the comic books, and even watched some of the cartoons.
Gameplay: Man what a let down! The main thing wrong with this title CAMERA!!! What were the developers thinking? did they even play the game? First, off you can't move the camera. Secondly, the camera is pointed the wrong way most of the time. Finally it's impossible to get the camera to turn where you want. The story is cool and flows as well as the cut scence's. But man it's tough getting over that CAMERA!!!!!
Graphics: It looks pretty good and the fraterate is solid. It's definitly no splinter cell or even 007 nightfire.
Sound: I didnt really pay attention to the sound so I really couldnt tell you if it was all that great. although the alarm was anoing.
Suggestions: It's too late for this title. I would love to see a Batman first person shooter!!!

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 50 %

Dr. Rage
Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: I had high hopes for Batman: Dark Tomorrow based upon the screenshots and gameplay description I read from Kemco's official web site. I truly believed this game was going to be the greatest Batman game ever made. Unfortunately, when I started playing the first two levels, I was disappointed. However, after playing this game everyday, and being a huge Batman fan (I wear my Batman costume everytime I play this game!), I realized this game is actually fun and satisfying. There are two elements that bring this game down: lousy camera angles and bad gameplay graphics. The camera angle is always at a pre-set angle, so you can't zoom in or out to check out the environments to see what's going on. The remedy for this problem is to use the Batarang or smoke capsule because the camera angle then switches over to a first person perspective. The other issue I have occurs when you're moving Batman from one area to the next. The camera angle changes, and suddenly you're moving towards the opposite direction (doh!). Luckily there's a map at the top right hand side of the screen to indicate where Batman is going, or else you wouldn't have any sense of direction to where you are. The other complaint I have is the graphics. The cinematic cut scenes are great! Unfortunately, the gameplay graphics are okay and you can tell this game was only intended to be released on the GameCube. It's too bad this game wasn't made specifically for the X-Box. I can only imagine how this game would visually look like if it had "Splinter Cell" like graphics. The good things about this game? I loved the cinematic cut scenes because it provided great support for the excellent storyline. The voice acting was also excellent, particularly the voice actor who portrayed Batman because he sounded alot like a cross between Michael Keaton and Kevin Conroy. As for the gameplay, it was pretty exciting to come face to face with Batman's arch enemies such as the Joker, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, and the ultimate Bat-villain...the Ratcatcher!! Overall I found this game to be fun and satisfying with all it's flaws. I'm sure most Batman fans will also enjoy this game too once they can get pass it's flaws.
Gameplay: Fun and satisfying!
Besides the crappy camera angles, the combat is okay. The Batgadgets like the Batarang, and smoke capsules are effective when you're fighting the generic looking bad guys before facing-off with the superstar villains. However I prefer using the punch and kick combo to dish out punishment to the bad guys. Also, after viewing each cut scene, I got super pumped-up to kicking some butt! I've lost count to how many cans of whoop-ass I had to open to bring justice to Gotham City!

Graphics: Like I've mentioned before, the cinematic cut scenes are great! However the gameplay graphics is merely okay but satisfying.
Sound: The music in this game is good and the voice acting is excellent. I also loved the punching and kicking sound effects when I was punishing the bad guys too.
Suggestions: With all the crappy and okay Batman games ever released for any gaming console, you would figure some game developer would have learn from those mistakes, and produce the ultimate Batman video game by now right? My advice for Kemco is to look at and play both "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Splinter Cell". Now combine the graphics and gameplay and you will make the greatest Batman video game ever!

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Batman: Dark Tomorrow News

Batman Begins: First Details
New details behind the upcoming action-stealth game Batman Begins to be released simultaneously with the Warner Brothers’ movie.

Batman: Dark Tomorrow Website Launched!
Kemco launches new Batman: Dark Tomorrow website

Batman: Dark Tomorrow Ships
Kemco announces the new Batman title has shipped to retail outlets today.

Batman: Dark Tomorrow Web Site Is Up
New Batman: Dark Tomorrow Screens
Batman: Dark Tomorrow Gets Bumped Back
New Batman: Dark Tomorrow Screens
First Batman: Dark Tomorrow Screens
BATMAN: Dark Tomorrow Hits Xbox

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