Total Reviews: 4
Average Overall Score Given: 8.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1

The Punisher

Overall: The Punisher is an excellent third-person shooter game. Being a fan of the Punisher and a supporter to his cause for over 15 years, I commend the game developer, Volition for creating a game that does justice for this character. The gameplay is very fun and enjoyable since it contains a lot of bloody over-the-top violence. What makes this game stand out from other third-person shooters is the use of interrogation to force the generic bad guys to talk. In addition, the graphics and sounds are also pretty good. Overall, I highly recommend this game to every Punisher and third-person shooter fans out there.

Gameplay: The Punisher is a fun and enjoyable third-person shooter game that contains a lot of bloody over-the-top violence. Armed with a lot of guns and other weapons of destruction, you get to annihilate every criminal scumbag as well as some big name bosses who annoyingly get in your way. In between killing the generic bad guys, you get to interrogate them too to obtain information. I personally like the face smashing and choking the neck technique to force them to talk (muhahahahaha...), and afterwards, you could either use them as a human shield or go for a "quick kill" move like shooting them in the head. In addition, you could also use the "slaughter mode" which is the equivalent to a "bullet time mode" to kill all the generic bad guys. In this mode, the Punisher would drop his weapons and start throwing knives at the faces of the bad guys with precise accurately in slow motion but you have to have enough energy in your "slaughter mode" bar to perform this task.

Graphics: The graphics are pretty good in this game. The cut-scenes are visually beautiful to watch, and the character models and environment settings are nicely drawn too. I want to particularly commend the artists for creating an excellent Punisher model. Great job guys!

Audio: The sound is also pretty good in this game. The voice actors did an excellent job especially Tom Jane who was fantastic because he really captured the essence and personality of the Punisher. In addition, the music score and sound effects were really good too.

Suggestions: For the sequel, I would like to see the Punisher shoot and run over generic bad guys while driving in different vehicles. I would also like to see the Punisher model be more agile. For example, have him scale walls, and participate in hand-to-hand combat too.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Batman: Dark Tomorrow

Overall: I had high hopes for Batman: Dark Tomorrow based upon the screenshots and gameplay description I read from Kemco's official web site. I truly believed this game was going to be the greatest Batman game ever made. Unfortunately, when I started playing the first two levels, I was disappointed. However, after playing this game everyday, and being a huge Batman fan (I wear my Batman costume everytime I play this game!), I realized this game is actually fun and satisfying. There are two elements that bring this game down: lousy camera angles and bad gameplay graphics. The camera angle is always at a pre-set angle, so you can't zoom in or out to check out the environments to see what's going on. The remedy for this problem is to use the Batarang or smoke capsule because the camera angle then switches over to a first person perspective. The other issue I have occurs when you're moving Batman from one area to the next. The camera angle changes, and suddenly you're moving towards the opposite direction (doh!). Luckily there's a map at the top right hand side of the screen to indicate where Batman is going, or else you wouldn't have any sense of direction to where you are. The other complaint I have is the graphics. The cinematic cut scenes are great! Unfortunately, the gameplay graphics are okay and you can tell this game was only intended to be released on the GameCube. It's too bad this game wasn't made specifically for the X-Box. I can only imagine how this game would visually look like if it had "Splinter Cell" like graphics. The good things about this game? I loved the cinematic cut scenes because it provided great support for the excellent storyline. The voice acting was also excellent, particularly the voice actor who portrayed Batman because he sounded alot like a cross between Michael Keaton and Kevin Conroy. As for the gameplay, it was pretty exciting to come face to face with Batman's arch enemies such as the Joker, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, and the ultimate Bat-villain...the Ratcatcher!! Overall I found this game to be fun and satisfying with all it's flaws. I'm sure most Batman fans will also enjoy this game too once they can get pass it's flaws.

Gameplay: Fun and satisfying!
Besides the crappy camera angles, the combat is okay. The Batgadgets like the Batarang, and smoke capsules are effective when you're fighting the generic looking bad guys before facing-off with the superstar villains. However I prefer using the punch and kick combo to dish out punishment to the bad guys. Also, after viewing each cut scene, I got super pumped-up to kicking some butt! I've lost count to how many cans of whoop-ass I had to open to bring justice to Gotham City!

Graphics: Like I've mentioned before, the cinematic cut scenes are great! However the gameplay graphics is merely okay but satisfying.

Audio: The music in this game is good and the voice acting is excellent. I also loved the punching and kicking sound effects when I was punishing the bad guys too.

Suggestions: With all the crappy and okay Batman games ever released for any gaming console, you would figure some game developer would have learn from those mistakes, and produce the ultimate Batman video game by now right? My advice for Kemco is to look at and play both "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Splinter Cell". Now combine the graphics and gameplay and you will make the greatest Batman video game ever!

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 X2: Wolverine's Revenge

Overall: Wolverine's Revenge rocks! I thought this game might be a disappointment, but after playing the first level, I realized I love this game! The action in this game is fast and furious. Tons of enemies to hack and slash away at. The music, sound effects, and voice acting are terrific. Also the story and the graphics are pretty good too. I think Wolverine and comic book fans will not be disappointed when they play this game.

Gameplay: The gameplay action is fast and furious. Tons of generic looking bad guys to hack and slash away at, plus you also face-off with some Wolverine's bowling buddies such as Sabertooth, Wendigo, Juggernaut, Magneto, and the lovely and bodacious Lady Deathstrike. One cool gameplay feature I enjoy using is Wolverine's instincts/senses to locate enemies and mines.

Graphics: The graphics are pretty good considering the game was released to accommodate all three consoles and even the PC.

Audio: The music sets a fitting mood to create tension and suspense for each level. The sound effects are pretty cool. I love hearing Wolverine's claws sheathe in and out and also the groans of the enemies as I slash them to death (muhahahahaha...!). The voice acting is also terrific, especially Mark Hamill, who did an excellent job playing Wolverine.

Suggestions: I love you guys! Bring on the sequel bub!

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Hulk

Overall: Raaahhhhhh! Me must smash! This is the feeble-minded mentality I have when I'm playing "the Hulk". This game captures the essence and power of being the Hulk in a video gaming environment. Although the graphics are not so great, the gameplay action of smashing and destroying everthing in sight makes this a fun and enjoyable game for any Hulk fans out there.

Gameplay: There are two gameplays - stealth and puzzling solving action as Bruce Banner, and smash and destroy everything thing in sight as the Hulk. I prefer the latter like everyone else. As the Hulk, you can beat up anyone mentally challenged enough to stand in the Hulk's way such as those puny human soldiers, the elephant size gamma dogs, and the mighty tanks. My favorite Hulk move is timing a missle launched from a tank and punching it back towards the tank. In this situation, I can truly say, "tanks".

Graphics: Well, at least I know what the upcoming X-box game "Xlll" will look like. The Hulk uses the similar cell-shaded graphics which is an animation style of bringing a comic book artwork to life. This style looks great as a still photo, however it's not so effective being used in a video game, (especially when it's a Hulk video game!!)This type of animation has a sort of "shiny glare" which gives the character models a "water paint coloring effect". It looks like the characters are roughly colored, and it needs another layer of solid coloring to make the models stand out more. I guess this method of animation was cost efficient so the developers could easily port this game over to the other two gaming consoles and for the PC too without too much trouble.

Audio: The sound is excellent. I love the smashing sound effects and also when the Hulk jumps and lands. Eric Bana also did a good job voicing Bruce Banner.

Suggestions: You don't want to make me angry do you? Next time, make the graphics more like "Splinter Cell" or similar to how the Hulk looks like in the movie, or else...

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

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