Preview of Hitman: Contracts

Hitman: Contracts
by ChewyApril 17, 2004
Once again our friends at Eidos have kindly given us another sneak peek at the latest build of Hitman Contracts, affectionately called “Round 2”.
The good news is I’m just as excited this time around as I was for the 1st build. The game is really the best of both worlds in my opinion, you can do a little stealth thing with the aid of disguises, you can do a little sniping, and you can go the tride and true route of run and gun, although you’ll find it not to be as effective, or gratifying, as a combination of all of the above. Without a doubt the closest you or I will ever get to being a real assassin and it’s safer this way.
Since I didn’t get my “God Mode” cheat this time, I had to earn my Agent stripes the hard way, the game, as in the previous build runs really well and the graphics don’t disappoint, with nice character motion and mood setting environments. The camera seemed to be a little more manageable and switching to first person is a breeze (Push down on right stick) and comes in handy quite a few times.
The part that still gets me going in this game is the story, it continues to intrigue me, and the folks at Eidos have done a nice job of blending game play, story, and an appropriate soundtrack to add to the overall mood of the game. The dialogue is well done, and also effectively keeps you on your toes, as the “enemies” bark out commands and comments. I used the map quite a bit more this time, it’s nicely laid out, easy to understand, and a godsend when searching for clues, you can zoom in and move it around to get a better idea of your surroundings. It also has a great legend system to help differentiate passers by from the folks you want to avoid, and points of interest, whether they be clues or goodies.
Once again, I have to recommend keeping Hitman Contracts on the “Games to Watch” list. There were a lot of the same things I liked from the 1st go around in this build plus a more polished overall game. The retail version should be out within a few weeks and I’m really looking forward to it, maybe we’ll be lucky enough to get one last crack at it before it goes public…I gotta find out how the story ends.
Speaking of story, check out the new set of screen shots and see if anything seems interesting.