Mortal Kombat: Deception (Original Xbox) by Midway Home Entertainment

Mortal Kombat:  Deception (Xbox) by Midway Home Entertainment Box Art


Xbox 360 backwards Compatible


North Amercian Release Date: October 5, 2004.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Average Overall Score:
8.18 / 10

Mortal Kombat is back with lots of new features built around pretty much the same game we saw in Deadly Alliance. There have been a few improvements to the game, including two fatalities per character and another fatality in which you can force the character to commit suicide. The environments have multiple levels (like Dead or Alive), and hot spots where you can kill a character by hitting them into a certain area."

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Mortal Kombat: Deception is set to revolutionize the fighting game genre. With unlimited online competition, Mortal Kombat: Deception features multiple fatalities per character; multi-tiered interactive backgrounds and extensive new game modes. Plus, for the first time ever, an enhanced free-roaming Konquest mode, an action/strategy board game and a unique puzzle game serve to compliment the improved fighting mode that has established the Mortal Kombat franchise as the ultimate fighting game of all time.


Saturday, July 31, 2004

Cheat Codes

      Baraka's Second Fatality: Forward, Down, Back, Forward, Y (sweep).
      Baraka's First Fatality: Forward, Up, Down, Y (close)
      Ashrah's Second Fatality: Forward, Down, Forward, Down, Y (sweep).
      Fatalities : After you have beaten an opponent and the announcer yells "Finish Him!" it is time to input a Fatality. Fatlities require a set distance to perform. The distances are: Close: 1 step away from your dazed opponent Sweep: 2 steps away from your dazed opponent Far: 5-6 steps away from your dazed opponent (end of arena) After you are at the required distance press the L trigger to enter the Fatality stance. Then input the fatality code. Ashrah's First Fatality: Down, Down, Up, Up, Y (close)
      Random Select: While in the character select screen, press UP and A/Start while highlighting scorpion and you will get a random pick.

User Reviews

Score: 82
Overall User Average: 8.67 / 10 (81.8%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.33 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.33 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.33 / 10
Date reviewed: August 26, 2005.

Overall: It's been a while since I've played this but I must say I had a lot of fun. The story mode where you run around with a lil bald headed kid (forgot his name) and become a fighter is pretty lame, especially since the walking and such is very weird, thus my concern with MK:Shaolin Monks, but fortunately, after playing the demo for that game I no longer have any concern.

But yea three nice additions undoubtedly are the puzzle game which is almost as good as Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, the 3 counters you get each round, and online play which sadly, noone is on. If you haven't played it, defintely pick it up, lots of unlockables and fun mini-games.
Gameplay: The game still has the standard 3 fighting style which is defintely good, but on the same token, if there is only one person who memorize his characters multi-style combo, the other person is at a severe disadvantage as these do the most damage. Also, like in DA, once you get going, it's really hard to stop the combo, unless of course you have a counter on hand which like I said earlier, is a nice feature.

As for the puzzle game, there aren't cubes like in SPFIIT but what makes this unique is the special move each characters have. Sub-Zero freezes all the players blocks preventing him/her from breaking them, Cindel (SP?) rearranges the opponents blocks so any sort of massive break you had is pretty much shot to shit. Some of the special moves take forever to charge, like Cindel's, others are a lot faster. It's essentially the more powerful the longer it takes to charge. Also you only have like a 15 second time frame to use it, so you can't wait till your opponents column before you use the special move. The second unique thing is the fatality at the end of each stage. Very entertaining and a nice way to rub it in your buddy that he just got his !&%$@#* handed to him. Puzzle game alone was worth my money, I just got a nice fighting game on top of it.
Graphics: Nothing spetacular, but nothing horrible. Love the insane, over-the-top blood. The blood can obviously be toned down if you prefer or changed to a different color. Basically for those who are kids and don't want mom and dad to think your playing an ultra-violent game. I didn't notice lag in online play WHEN people did play.
Sound: Nothing changed from DA really. The sound really isn't detrimental or annoying, it just really does add anything to the game, like any 0o0o0o's or ahhhhhh's for anything.
Suggestions: Game was fine, might wanna update the fight system. I know don't fix what isn't broken, but there should be more than just one multi-style combo cuz just executing that each round gets real boring after a while.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: August 13, 2005.

Overall: I'm usually not a huge fan of fighting games, but MK:D was actually remarkably fun. It had been years since I played my last MK game, and I had forgotten how much fun it was. This is a great game for when you have a few friends over and feel like having a good time.
Gameplay: A very fun game for just playing with your friends. The Story mode is pretty fun, but it got old to me after a while. The controls for the game a pretty good in my opinion, though some of the fatalities were hard for me to get (but when you get them, they are, of course, kickass). I kind of felt that some of the characters' special moves could be abused a little bit, but nothing too bad. Also, some of the levels made it so that the first level you fell off of, you died. The maps were just too small for that, most of the maps, however, allowed you to be knocked off the top level and onto one lower, which was better in my opinion.
Graphics: The graphics are alright, I wasm't amazed by them, but they weren't terrible either. The fatalities were, as I said earlier, great. The animations for the different moves looked good, and the special moves also looked very nice.
Sound: This was actually the most annoying part of the game for me. Whoever did the voice acting for the main character (Shujinko) was horrible. I don't usually notice this kind of thing, but this was that bad. Other than that, I didn't notice anything wrong with the sound.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: August 10, 2005.

Overall: This game was the best of the franchise yet. They finaly listened to the public and incorperated more fatalities. UI also like were they are going with the new Konquest mode. The other game modes change it up and add a new aspect to the game. The new levels are awesome and i love the interactive enviroments. The death traps are also sweet. The only problem was that the combos aren't long enough, but im not complaining they are still good enough for me.
Gameplay: The only problem is Konquest mode and how there isn't a system to mark what missions you have done. But then i realized that this was a new mode and they are going in a great direction. Every other part of the game is awesome and the way they tell more of the story is great. I love all of the Mortal Kombat games and it is definitly a must have for Xbox Live. The multiplayer is sweet and never gets old to beat your friends in different fighting styles.
Graphics: The visual are what can i say getting better and better. The character models are always sweet and the level design is always spectacular.
Sound: It never gets old to hear Scorpion yell his catch phrase and to hear "finish him." The music gets a little old, especially after searching around conquest for hours.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work and i love that they are tryng the Shaolin Moknks game it looks awesome. I cant wait for the next Mrotal Kombat until then I will keep playing Deception. Thanks Ed Boon for making another classic. Just make a mission markoff place and i will be happy.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: October 27, 2004.

Overall: This game is pretty much the same as Deadly alliance with only a few changes. One of the changes that makes the game much more fun are the interactive levels. Another difference is the Live factor. The Live addition is what makes this game worth anything.
Gameplay: Playing Mortal Kombat on Live is a blast. The only complaint I have is that the servers can be slow. The Konquest mode is in the form of an RPG but is lame at best. You basically wonder around aimlessly and fight a bunch of people. One improvement is the addition of more fatalities. Without Live, this game would not be worth the money.
Graphics: The visuals are the same as Deadly Alliance with some character modification. It isn't the best but it is pretty much what I expected.
Sound: The music is cheezy, but again, the same as Deadly Alliance. I wish they would have allowed for soundtracks at least.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: October 8, 2004.

Overall: Mortal Kombat Deception is set to revolutionize the fighting game genre. Is this the best one yet?? With unlimited online competition, Mortal Kombat Deception features multiple fatalities per character multi-tiered interactive backgrounds and extensive new game modes. Plus, for the first time ever, an enhanced free-roaming Konquest mode, an action/strategy board game and a unique puzzle game serve to compliment the improved fighting mode that has established the Mortal Kombat franchise as the ultimate fighting game of all time.
Gameplay: Deception can be thought of as four separate games really, a new concept. First off The main and most popular(1)Kombat mode. each character has multiple fatalities. new is a added hiri kiri where a player can finish themself off. Next is (2)Chess Kombat which mixes elements of versus play with a chesslike board game. Kings, queens, pawns, etc. have been replaced with five MK Kombat basicly a tetris ripoff. and (4)Konquest This mode features a young Shujinko as the PC, who will quickly grow up during the campaign and into the warrior that needs to rid himself of the guilt brought upon by being fooled into allowing the Dragon King to become omnipotent. Gamers will start out in a village area and will be shown the ropes by the much older Bo Rai Cho. Along with some simple fetch quests,gamers will be awarded for completing tutorials on the basics of versus play with various MK characters.
Graphics: The Graphics look great. from the textured backgrounds to the rich detail in your fighters. Not without a few problems though. I did notice a few characters do not move as smooth as they could have. some move rather clumsy. Sub zero looks odd and a few fighters could have been done better. The tropical level looks out of place in with all the other hardcore levels.
Sound: The Sound is good. And the voice is just like the others. The background music blends right in. No problems here.
Suggestions: A great job! I do think a little more work on the fighters. I think subzero could have looked better and a few fighters move rather clumsy. a bigger line up of fighters. It did not take me long to win. otherwise keep of the great work. Mortal kombat kicks and will always be my favorite fighting game Fight on!.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Mortal Kombat: Deception News

Midway Says New Mortal Kombat Every Year
Midway has announced that they plan to release a fresh Mortal Kombat game every year. However they won’t all be fighters.

Midway Releasing First "M" Rated Controllers
In a new agreement with Nuby Tech, Midway will be releasing a number of different Mortal Kombat related controller, feature some violent graphics.

Mortal Kombat: Deception Now Shipping
Everyone polish up on your fatalities. Mortal Kombat is back and better then ever, complete with online support. Don't miss this one.

Mortal Kombat: Deception Golden
Following up Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Deception will now take the fighting action online. The game has gone gold.

Midway To Open New Studio In Texas
Midway today announced their plans to open a new internal development studio in Austin, Texas.

Midway Confirms L.A. Rush
Midway has confirmed they have begun development on L.A. Rush, the game is due to hit PS2 and Xbox sometime next spring.

L.A. Rush?
Midway has filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office for the name "L.A. Rush" which would say a new game is coming, but Midway hasn’t announced anything yet.

Viacom To Purchase Midway?
Viacom CEO Sumner Redstone has told regulators that Viacom is considering expanding into the video game industry and might acquire Midway, more inside.

UK Debut Of Mortal Kombat: Deception
Midway has confirmed its line up for Game Stars Live, which includes the UK public debut of Mortal Kombat: Deception.

Midway Confirms Mortal Kombat 7
Midway President David F. Zucker has reveled the existence of Mortal Kombat 7.

Mortal Kombat: Deception Website Launches
Midway has launched the official website for Mortal Kombat: Deception.

Mortal Kombat Special Editions Confirmed
Midway games has officially confirmed the special editions of Mortal Kombat: Deception, details on the Xbox only versions and more inside.

Mortal Kombat: Deception Screens
Here are some screens from the upcoming Mortal Kombat game titled Deception.

Mortal Kombat Special Edition Coming?
EB Games has listed a collector's edition of Mortal Kombat: Deception on its website, but no official announcement has been made by Midway.

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