Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (Xbox 360) by Ubi Soft Entertainment

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (Xbox 360) by Ubi Soft Entertainment Box Art

Xbox One backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: March 18, 2008.

Average Overall Score:
9.20 / 10

Ubisoft brings back the Rainbow Team in the second installment of the Vegas Series. Rainbow Vegas Six 2 features a once again terrorist ravaged Las Vegas, and it?s up to the Rainbow Six team to put an end to the threat."

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Friday, March 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 19, 2007


That Wasn't So Hard
Complete a scene as Bishop's teammate, Knight, in co-op Story mode at any difficulty.
Completed Pic des Pyrénées
Complete Pic des Pyrénées in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Old Vegas
Complete Old Vegas in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Recreational Center
Complete Recreational Center in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Convention Center
Complete Convention Center in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Theater
Complete Theater in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Nevada Desert
Complete Nevada Desert in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Estate
Complete Estate in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Freedom Shall Prevail
Complete the Story Mode on Realistic difficulty.
I Like the Sound it Makes
Kill 150 terrorists with a Shotgun.
Weapon Collector
Unlock every weapon in the game.
Rappel King
Kill 25 enemies while suspended from a rope.
My Name is Sam
Neutralize 5 terrorists in a row by performing headshots using a Sound Suppressor.
Gimme a High Five!
Complete 5 scenes as Bishop's teammate, Knight, in co-op Story mode at any difficulty.
Here's for a Wicked Five!
Complete 10 scenes as Bishop's teammate, Knight, in co-op Story mode at any difficulty.
Novice Hunter
Complete your first Terrorist Hunt mission at any difficulty.
Veteran Hunter
Complete 5 Terrorist Hunt missions at any difficulty.
Natural Leader
Lead your team to Victory 20 times in Team Leader with at least 6 players present.
Extreme Hunter
Complete all Terrorist Hunt missions on Realistic difficulty.
Bring it on!
Complete a Terrorist Hunt mission at the hardest difficulty.
Kill 50 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Gun Shark
Kill 300 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Eye of the Sniper
Kill 500 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Don't Mess With Me
Kill 1000 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Ace of Spades
Perform 5 consecutive kills without dying in an adversarial match without respawns
The Ace Always Wins
Win your first ranked match online.
Double or Nothin'
Win 2 ranked matches in a row.
Three of a Kind
Win 3 consecutive ranked matches in a row.
Royal Flush
Win 100 adversarial matches with at least 6 players present.
The House Always Wins
Host and win 10 matches with at least 6 players present.
My Hero!
Rescue both Hostages 10 times in Attack & Defend with at least 6 players present.
Plant and detonate 10 bombs in Attack & Defend with at least 6 players present.
Demo Expert
Defuse 10 bombs in Attack & Defend with at least 6 players present.
Covert Ops Specialist
Extract the intel item 10 times with at least 6 players present
Cluster Bomb
Kill 3 enemies at once using explosives with at least 6 players present
Sidearm Frenzy
Kill 100 enemies using a Pistol with at least 6 players present.
Come Closer
Kill 100 enemies using a shotgun with at least 6 players present
Spray and Pray
Kill 100 enemies using a Sub-Machine Gun with at least 6 players present.
Short Controlled Bursts
Kill 100 enemies using an Assault Rifle with at least 6 players present.
One Shot, One Kill
Kill 100 enemies using a Sniper Rifle with at least 6 players present.
Machine Gunner
Kill 100 enemies using a Light Machine Gun with at least 6 players present.
Private First Class
Achieve the rank of Private First Class.
Achieve the rank of Officer
Achieve the rank of Elite
Haute Couture
Create your own custom camouflage.
True Identity
Use the Xbox Live Vision to create a character with your appearance.

User Reviews

Score: 92
Overall User Average: 9.40 / 10 (92.0%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.47 / 10
Graphics User Average: 9.07 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.77 / 10
Date reviewed: April 15, 2008.

Overall: First off, WOW! I love this game! The first one was pretty amazing but this is even better. So, the thing with this game is that, yes it is a lot like the first one, but better. They managed to keep most if not all the good stuff from the first one and add on to it. The gameplay is just about the same, except they but a run feature(LB) which is pretty cool. But the ranking system and terrorist are different. Now in terrorist hunt you can have two primary weapons like in story mode. and as for the ranking system, it is a lot easier to get to elite(the highest rank). In the first game it took a good month to get to elite. But in this game it took me about four or five days. But I play a lot too. And your actual rank(like sergeant or something) is only for your cloths or camos. So every time you rank up you either get something you can wear or some type of camo. So to get new guns you have to get your level up in your A.C.E.S. Which is another kind of ranking system only a litle different. There are three different cl@!%#*!es within aces. Marksmen, CQB, and @!%#*!ault. You get your marksmen up by getting long ranged kills, or headshots. Things like that. CQB is close quarter combat. You can level up in this by killing someone close to you or in the back things among that nature. And @!%#*!ault you can get up by killing people with grenades. And every time you level up in in one cl@!%#*! you either get a new gun or bonus experience which goes toward your actual rank(like private). And one other feature is that you can get your aces up and your rank up by playing story. So overall it is an amazing game. I love every feature. Everything from being able to basically change everything about your character, whether is your camo, or your gun. And it is very nice that you can get rank up in story now too. So with all the good old stuff and all these new updates to it, make it even better than the first.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 89 %
Sound: 95 %

Date reviewed: April 3, 2008.

Overall: OK, here we go. Back to Sin City. If you think about it, this isn't really a story line sequel. It's more of a parallel story line that is occuring right before and during the previous game's story. Essentially your team is after a terror cell @!%#*!ociated with the one that Logan's team went after.

A few things get introduced to the series such as the new ACEs system in which you earn weapons, equipment and uniform upgrades with the acculumilation of points earned for performing actions @!%#*!ociated with different aspects of tactical battle. Another welcomed addition is the ability use your custom face that you create with the Vision camera accessory and have it put on your character in the normal story mode, not just online play. Also, depending on your level of completion was on the the first Vegas game, you are awarded perks and bonus points in this game.

I guess my biggest issue with this game is the actual story. Like the first one.. come on! Seriously, if over 50 bad guys with guns are running around in a building do you think in reality somebody is going to send 3 guys in after them?
But hey.. that's the beauty of a video game!
Gameplay: Not much has really changed from the last game to this one. It generally makes me feel like Ubi-Soft has followed the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mantra. Controls are just the same with addition of a much needed "sprint" mode. Hold down a bumper button and your character will now let go of his gun and run like crazy for a short distance. The caveat to that is that your team does not sprint with you so don't go too far.

Gameplay is still tactical based, so don't expect to get into Halo'esque running firefights unless you like to die often. Success is always based on planning and having the right equipment for the job.
I did notice some little tweaks like the shotguns are a bit better this time, a bit more accurate and the killing radius is improved to a more realistic level.

There are new guns of all types in the game now but despite that the Famas and the UMP45 seem to be a constant favorite to me.

From a tactical perspective, your team is much improved. They are quicker on the draw and more accurate. However they really haven't smartened up too much. How they pick their targets is beyond me because I can watch them ignore the closest enemy to engage a distant one.

Graphics: Vegas 2 looks a lot like like the first game. You do notice that Dodge has every car in the game a model of one of their cars, much like the first time. The graphics are hit and miss. Some things are beautifully details, some things look like they got largely ignored. Character models are very detailed but walk up to something like.. say.. one of those Dodge cars and details get blocky and pixelated.

Despite the addition of civilians to avoid killing you'll notice that like the enemies, they all begin to look alike. All civilians, short of the story specific ones will look like the same basic set regardless of where they are. All enemies despite the story specific ones are of one variety or the other and it makes you wonder.. how the heck did all these bad guys get in here?

Sound: You know.. of all things about this game that goes well, it's always the audio that doesn't seem to please me. Even with the first game, the sounds of grenades are very plain and generic. It's hard to explain but the audio in this game just seems to sit there, it doesn't really stand out.
The same generic enemies all say the same generic lines every time you meet them. You get tired of every fifth bad guy saying "shoot them in the head!" or "I need back up!"

Suggestions: Well, it's a very good game. Rainbow Six never dissapoints.

Overall: 97 %
Gameplay: 94 %
Graphics: 93 %
Sound: 88 %

UNV Superkid
Date reviewed: March 22, 2008.

Overall: Game is great, but its the same as the first one.............. If only they had taken more time to make more changes in the actual game. the first one was an almost perfect game we all know, so it is and would be a challenge to improve for Vegas 2, but they could have at least tried. I mean there are only 3 differences, you can run, the graphics are slightly better and there are new maps and locations for the campaign and online play. they could have just added those as a download for Vegas 1 and we would all have been just as happy. Overall tho it is still a great game, but the way COD4 came out and the excitement it has caused Vegas 2 just doesn't match up

Overall: 85 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 News

Ubisoft Acquires Massive Entertainment
Publisher Ubisoft has acquired Massive Entertainment, the Malmö, Sweden-based studio behind real-time strategy games Ground Control and World in Conflict.

Ubisoft Trade Show Returns for ‘08
Ubisoft has invited European press and business partners to its second UbiDAYS trade show, which will take place at Paris’ Louvre museum on Wednesday, May 28th-29th.

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