NEWS - Monday, February 15, 2010

Fable III Will Include New Continent and Races
If you think that Fables scope has always been a little small, then youre not alone. Theres never been anything beyond Albion, after all. But thats going to change for the latest game in the series.
In a recent interview with IncGamers, Lionhead founder Peter Molyneux confirmed that Fable III will feature a new continent for the first time. And there will be new races to meet too.
With players taking on the role of King or Queen, it only makes sense that they would want to go crusading in other lands from time to time. That is, when theyre not fighting for the crown itself.
Fable IIIs other new features will include a revamped interface and a new "Touch" mechanic. Natal support will be included as well, but there are no details on that front as of yet. Molyneux has only said that it will allow for some "wonderful things."
Expect more info around GDC. The game itself will be out this fall.