NEWS - Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Red Faction 3rd DLC Pack Is Smashing
THQ announced the 3rd downloadable content pack for Red Faction: Guerrilla. The "Smasher Pack" comes with 8 new maps for the Wrecking Crew multiplayer mode. Theres also a new mode, Behemoth, which allows players to take a ride in these three Walkers:
Heavy Mining Walker – Slow but powerful, this Walker can take down a building in seconds with a few arm swings.
Light Mining Walker – With the addition of jump jets, this fast-paced Walker is agile and suited for taking down smaller buildings.
Combat Walker – Replace speed and power with an explosive rocket pack, and youve got a Walker that can attack anything near or far.
Priced at 400 MS Points on Xbox LIVE or $4.99 via the PlayStation Network, the Smasher Pack will be available on October 1.