NEWS - Tuesday, May 26, 2009

13 million Xbox Live players on Call Of Duty 4
Speaking to Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb in his latest podcast, Bowling commented that: "Call of Duty 4 on Xbox Live just exploded. I mean right now were at 13 million unique users on 360 and thats insane."
In January, Bowling put the online total for the Xbox 360 at 10,006,606 unique users, suggesting a considerable increase over the last few months - despite the game having been originally released in November 2007.
The number of PlayStation 3 unique users, which naturally were not mentioned on Hrybs show, were put at 4,381,276 unique users in January. With a significant percentage of users likely never to have played the game online, the games overall unit sales make it one of the most successful titles of all time.
The first direct sequel to the game, to be known simply as Modern Warfare 2, is due for released on November 10. It is widely expected to be the best-selling game of the year, with Activision even voicing hopes that it will become the best-selling title of all time.