NEWS - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

World at War Map Pack Hits 1m Downloads
Publisher Activision has announced that the figure has also been reached in the space of a weekend. The pack was first released on Thursday March 19, with Activision declaring that the one million downloads had been amassed in the four days (or “weekend”) ending Sunday 22 March.
“The success of Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 1 speaks to Treyarch and Activisions ability to provide fans with quality content during a time when people want to get the most out of their Call of Duty experience,” says Maria Stipp, Activisions Executive Vice President and General Manager of Owned Properties.
The DLC pack contains four extra multiplayer maps and is currently priced on PSN at $9.99 in North America, £7.99 in the UK. The Xbox 360 version costs 800 Microsoft Points.