NEWS - Monday, March 16, 2009

New Maps, Ranking System for Gears 2
The developer said Friday that it will be changing the games ranking system to one based on experience instead of purely on skill, an RPG-style system that Epic hinted at just last month. The update is due March 24.
"The new system gives you 100 levels of player experience, gained through scoring in public matches," Epic says. "The game still uses TrueSkill to set up the most competitive matches possible, but skill ranks are now hidden. Players who quit matches early see their experience docked as a penalty."
Another welcome change will be the addition of bots in public matches. AI-controlled players will take the place of people who drop during an online match. The bot option currently is only available in private matches.
Epic will also be implementing various fixes, addressing balance issues and updating matchmaking.
Due on March 31 is the Snowblind Map Pack, a four-map collection with a wintry theme. The maps will be available on March 31.
The update will also add nine new achievements based on the new map pack and ranking system.