NEWS - Friday, August 8, 2008

Ninja Gaiden 2 Currently Broken
On July 25th Microsoft released Ninja Gaiden 2 DLC that included a Mission Mode for 800 Microsoft Points ($10). Due to reported achievement bugs and freezing issues this download was removed from Xbox Live on the same day it was released. The content reappeared on July 30th along with a system update that was supposed to fix the previously reported issues.Since the system update, gamers (including those of us in the IGN offices) have still experienced reoccurring freezing issues during cutscenes which render the game unplayable. Today we received an official response from Microsoft regarding the issue:
Microsoft is aware of the issues that players are experiencing with the title update to "Ninja Gaiden II" and are currently working to resolve them with Tecmo/Team Ninja. Please stay tuned for a new update. We thank you for your patience!
What can gamers do right now to continue playing the title? Microsoft recommends that players clear their Xbox 360 cache and remain offline until a new patch is announced. Clearing your cache will NOT remove any achievements or save data however it will delete all system updates including those for other games. It will also delete the Mission Mode and not allow online leaderboards. Once gamers are able to return online with each game they will be prompted to reinstall any deleted updates. You can clear your cache by following these directions:
- Go to the system blade and then select memory.
- Press Y on the HD symbol and then press X, X, Left Bumper, Right Bumper, X, X. Once you do this, a message will appear saying: Do you want to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices?