NEWS - Thursday, July 17, 2008

E3 2008: Fable 2 Main Story Only 12 Hours Long
The main quest in Fable II only takes 12 hours to finish.
Thats according to Lionhead staff, who dished the dirt to Joystiq during a presentation of the game at E3.
But, Fable II leans heavily on its side-quests and exploration, something Molyneux has said he invented the dog to guide you towards.
You can also buy nearly every building in the game you see and make families and that sort of thing, so 12 hours can be multiplied many times over if you wish to see all on offer.
What is on offer appears to be taking shape very well. Molyneux unveiled the orb-based jump-in multiplayer during the Microsoft E3 conference.
Fable II is due out exclusively on Xbox 360 this October.