NEWS - Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Madden NFL 09 Now Gold
EAs getting ready for football season a bit early. Today, EA Sports announced that Madden NFL 09 went gold and will be available in stores nationwide on August 12th. Madden NFL 09 will feature 85 new features and enhancements, such as gameplay that adapts to a players skill level, a new broadcast presentation from Cris Collinsworth and Tom Hammond, and improved online leagues. The announcement of the game going gold today is a bit surprising, particularly because it wont be released for a month and a half from now.Madden NFL 09 will be available for the PS3 and Xbox 360, as well as the PS2, DS, PSP, and Xbox. Madden NFL 09 All-Play, which will host new gameplay and play calling systems to take advantage of the Wii-mote, will be available on the Wii.