NEWS - Sunday, June 22, 2008

Gears 2: No blinging up your guns
Touching on whether or not youll be able to customise any part of your arsenal, he explained, "Were not really that kind of game. Were not going to allow you to bling out your gun. The Lancers a Lancer, Gus is Gus, and Marcus is Marcus. Those are the identities were sticking with." Fair enough.
Bleszinksis clearly loving what hes playing too. "Just the other day I was driving in this icy level with a tank and power-sliding through Locusts and Gus goes, Locust roadkill, baby. Squish. Squish. Squash. Squash. It was just freakin great. And then when you shoot youre knocking over trees because we have more destroyable objects and you shoot your Boomshot and everything shatters apart.