NEWS - Thursday, April 3, 2008

COD 4 Maps Definitely This Week
Infinity Ward has said the Xbox 360 Call of Duty 4 Variety Map Pack will arrive probably late tonight or early tomorrow morning, and suggests preparing your sick day excuses in advance.
"Despite what the Internet might tell you (including some official sources), the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare variety map pack has NOT been delayed until the 10th [April]," said Robert Bowling, community friend maker at Infinity Ward. "As of right now were pushing certification for an on-time release for April 3rd or 4th.
"For those of you asking when you should take off work, Id take off Friday, as it looks like they should be available late Thursday night / early Friday morning, which means Friday you should be able to play all day."
So, you might need something like a sick day excuse generator. But we wouldnt know where to find one of those.
Confusion over the arrival of the Xbox 360 map pack was stirred up by the Call of Duty 4 Game of the Year website, which spouted 10th April without a care in the world.
Those buying this edition will be given a token to download the fresh maps for free, while everyone else will have to pay 800 Microsoft Points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.60). Inside the pack are Broadcast, Creek, Killhouse and Chinatown maps.
Unfortunately PS3 Call of Duty 4 fans will have to wait around three weeks for the same pack, while PC owners are still awaiting confirmation of its existence.
Pop over to our interview with Infinity Ward to see what it had to say about the Variety Map Pack.