NEWS - Thursday, December 6, 2007

Codemasters Unveals New EGO Engine
A hearty chunk of tech-news to get your teeth into - Codemasters has just christened its new EGO Engine that will be used to power forthcoming titles Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising and Race Driver: Grid.An evolution of the Neon engine that was first witnessed in this years hugely impressive Colin McRae: DiRT, the EGO Engine will strive to furnish future Codemasters games with equally lavish visuals. Race Driver: GRID continues the publishers recent love affair with quirky use of caps in its title, and looks to be a change of direction for the series as it takes to the streets, while Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising looks to satisfy our seemingly bottomless desire for war and is a welcome return to the multi-million selling combat simulator.
Bryan Marshall, Codemaster Studios Chief Technology Officer, said: "With the EGO Engine we have technology that is specific to our needs and one that doesnt force us to compromise."