NEWS - Friday, November 30, 2007

Harmonix Replacing Faulty Rock Band Guitars
Some of the guitars included with the Rock Band launch bundle shipped with faulty strum bars and will be replaced by Harmonix and Electronic Arts.In a statement released today, Harmonix said it has identified and fixed the problem in all subsequent production runs of Rock Band guitars. The Rock Band bundle, which includes the game, a microphone, a guitar and a drum set, was released last week. Soon after, wannabe rockers began complaining that some of the bundled guitars were less than stage-worthy.
"If you are experiencing a problem with your guitar or any of your other Rock Band instruments, simply visit the customer support website and we will send a replacement immediately," the company said. "Harmonix is dedicated to creating 100% customer satisfaction and to those of you whove encountered any hardware issues, we are sorry for the hassle."
PlayStation 3 owners who picked up Rock Band last week also learned that Guitar Hero III axes dont play nice with the game. Rock Band recognizes the GHIII guitar as a traditional controller rather than an instrument. At launch, Harmonix had this to say, in part, about the issue:
"If certain controllers do not work with Rock Band, questions about those controllers should be directed to the peripheral manufacturer."
Today, the company offered this statement about some PS3 owners Rock Band woes:
"Some of you have contacted us about the PS3 edition of Rock Band--from issues with guitar compatibility to frustration that stand-alone guitars and drums for Rock Band have not yet hit stores. Please know that these issues have our full attention. We are listening and we read everything that is posted on our forums. We are committed to providing the best play experience possible and working hard to ensure that we solve these problems as soon as possible. We promise to keep you updated and, in the meantime, we thank you for your patience."