NEWS - Thursday, November 1, 2007

BlackSite: Area 51 Achievements
1. Completed Episode 1 Complete Episode 1: Iraq. 10 Points 2. Completed Episode 2 Complete Episode 2: Quarantine. 10 Points 3. Completed Episode 3 Complete Episode 3: Rachel. 10 Points 4. Completed Episode 4 Complete Episode 4: Counter Insurgency. 10 Points 5. Completed Episode 5 Complete Episode 5: Topside. 10 Points 6. Completed Episode 6 Complete Episode 6: Wrecked. 10 Points 7. Threat Level Yellow Complete all episodes on Yellow (easy) difficulty. 25 Points 8. Threat Level Orange Complete all episodes on Orange (medium) difficulty. 35 Points 9. Threat Level Red Complete all episodes on Red (hard) difficulty. 50 Points 10. The Downward Spore Bring down a Spore Tower. 10 Points 11. I said Drop and Roll! Bring down a Fire Brute. 10 Points 12. Beware! Octopus Dog! Kill more than 25 Drudge using only melee. 10 Points 13. Rapture Kill more than 250 Reborn. 20 Points 14. Researcher Collect a Dossier. 10 Points 15. Master Delegator Get the squad to help you get more than 250 Focus Fire Kills. 20 Points 16. Professional Motivator Get the squad to High Morale more than 20 times. 20 Points 17. Investigator Collect all Dossiers. 50 Points 18. Hunter Collect 25 Dossiers. 20 Points 19. Small but mighty Get more than 10 head shot kills with the pistol in Campaign. 10 Points 20. Magic Bullets Get 10 kills while the M4 is equipped in Campaign. 10 Points 21. Long distance charges may apply Get 5 kills while the Sniper Rifle is equipped in Campaign. 10 Points 22. Meatseeker Get more than 10 kills using the Antitank Launchers target-lock in Campaign. 10 Points 23. Geometry Kills Get 5 kills with the Scatter Gun’s bouncing projectiles in Campaign. 10 Points 24. Dodge This! Get more than 10 kills by detonating the Plasma Rifles projectile in Campaign. 10 Points 25. Going for the Gusto! Get more than 100 kills with each weapon. 25 Points 26. The instrument of your doom! Get more than 200 kills with each weapon. 50 Points 27. Look upon my works and despair! Get more than 400 kills with each weapon. 100 Points 28. Home Field Advantage Host an Xbox LIVE game of Blacksite versus (any game type). 10 Points 29. Boot Camp Compete in an Xbox LIVE game of Blacksite. 10 Points 30. I Fear The Reaper Complete a ranked match of Deathmatch. 10 Points 31. We Fear The Reaper Complete a ranked match of Team Deathmatch. 10 Points 32. Probed Complete a ranked match of Abduction. 10 Points 33. ...And Justice For All Complete a ranked match of Capture The Flag. 10 Points 34. Around The Block Complete a round of every Xbox LIVE Ranked Match game type. 10 Points 35. King Of The Block Win a round of every Xbox LIVE Ranked Match game type. 25 Points 36. Flag Feeler Capture your first flag. 10 Points 37. Flag Stealer Capture more than 25 flags. 25 Points 38. Flag Dealer Capture more than 50 flags. 50 Points 39. Always Remember Your First Win your first ranked match. 10 Points 40. Spoils of War Win more than 25 ranked matches. 30 Points 41. Vae Victus Win more than 50 ranked matches!. 55 Points 42. The Skulls Of The Vanquished Get over 20 kills without dying in a single Versus match!. 50 Points 43. Exposed Play in a game with a Blacksite Virus Carrier. 49 Points 44. Blacksite Virus Carrier Finish first in a ranked match containing a Blacksite Virus Carrier. 51 PointsSource: