NEWS - Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ubisoft Unveils New Tom Clancy Brand
With existing Tom Clancy franchises Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon already cemented as firm fan favorites and RTS EndWar on the way, Ubisoft has revealed a fifth addition to its Tom Clancy series – Air Combat. In possibly the biggest departure from the traditional Clancy stable yet, Air Combat, as the name suggests, will focus on mid-air battling. It will be designed to gently ease players into the action before allowing them to turn off all the piloting assistance for a more realistic experience. “Ubisoft has an unrivaled track record of creating and sustaining new brands,” Ubisoft’s chief creative officer Serge Hascoet stated. “Our commitment to refreshing our catalog with regular introduction of new IP is what keeps gamers coming back for more. “With this new brand we’re redefining the aerial combat genre and extending the Tom Clancy universe to deliver a compelling new action title to next-generation gamers.” The MD of Ubisoft’s Bucharest studio Sebastien Delen added: “We are confident that this new brand will become the new benchmark for flight combat games and will be, like other Tom Clancy based games, an instant online multiplayer hit. “The player will experience all the action and excitement of modern air combat, from intense dog fighting to tactical strikes.”Source: