NEWS - Monday, September 3, 2007

BioShock Rocks German Chart
The 2K title managed to disrupt an otherwise Nintendo-centric chart, with DS and Wii titles taking up almost all of the other positions – prevented only by continued strong sales of the World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade expansion. The full chart is as follows: 1. BioShock (PC) 2. Pokemon: Diamond (DS) 3. Dr Kawashimas More Brain Training (DS) 4. Dr Kawashimas Brain Training (DS) 5. Pokemon: Pearl (DS) 6. BioShock (X360) 7. Pony Friends (DS) 8. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (PC) 9. Wii Play (Wii) 10. Big Brain Academy (Wii)Source: