NEWS - Monday, July 9, 2007

BioShock: Achievements
1. Completed Welcome Successfully complete the Welcome To Rapture Level. 10 points 2. Maxed One Track Purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks. 20 points 3. Maxed All Tracks Purchased every slot in all four Plasmid and Tonic tracks. 50 points 4. Bought One Slot Purchase one slot in any Plasmid or Tonic track. 5 points 5. Upgraded a Weapon Acquire at least one weapon upgrade. 5 points 6. One Fully Upgraded Weapon Fully upgrade one weapon. 5 points 7. Two Fully Upgraded Weapons Fully upgrade two weapons. 5 points 8. Three Fully Upgraded Weapons Fully upgrade three weapons. 10 points 9. Four Fully Upgraded Weapons Fully upgrade four weapons. 10 points 10. Five Fully Upgraded Weapons Fully upgrade five weapons. 10 points 11. Weapon Specialist Acquire all upgrades for all weapons. 20 points 12. Fully Researched Thug Splicer Fully research the Thuggish Splicer. 10 points 13. Fully Researched Gun Splicer Fully research the Leadhead Splicer. 10 points 14. Fully Researched Spider Splicer Fully research the Spider Splicer. 10 points 15. Fully Researched Houdini Splicer Fully research the Houdini Splicer. 10 points 16. Fully Researched Nitro Splicer Fully research the Nitro Splicer. 10 points 17. Fully Researched Rosie Fully research the Rosie. 10 points 18. Fully Researched Bouncer Fully research the Bouncer. 10 points 19. Fully Researched Little Sister Fully research the Little Sister. 10 points 20. Prolific Photographer Take at least one photo in every research group. 5 points 21. Research PhD Max out all possible research. 20 points 22. Quality Research Photo Take a Research Photo of the highest grade. 5 points 23. Researched a Splicer Take at least one Research Photo of a Splicer. 5 points 24. One Successful Hack Perform at least one successful hack. 5 points 25. Hacked a Security Bot Successfully hack a security bot. 10 points 26. Hacked a Security Camera Successfully hack a security camera. 10 points 27. Hacked a Turret Successfully hack a turret. 10 points 28. Hacked a Vending Machine Successfully hack a vending machine. 10 points 29. Hacked a Safe Successfully hack a safe. 10 points 30. Skilled Hacker Successfully complete 50 hacks. 40 points 31. Basic Inventor Successfully invent at least one item. 5 points 32. Avid Inventor Successfully invent at least 100 items. 10 points 33. Ammo Inventor Successfully invented all possible ammo types. 25 points 34. Little Sister Savior Complete the game without harvesting any Little Sisters. 100 points 35. Tonic Collector Collect or Invent 53 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks. 50 points 36. Historian Find every audio diary. 50 points 37. Seriously Good At This Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting. 40 points 38. Dealt with every Little Sister Either Harvest or Rescue every Little Sister in the game. 40 points 39. Lucky Winner Hit the jackpot at a slot machine. 10 points 40. Toaster in the Tub Shock an enemy in the water. 10 points 41. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 15 points 42. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 15 points 43. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 15 points 44. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 30 points 45. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 30 points 46. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 30 points 47. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 100 points 48. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 30 points 49. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 10 points 50. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 10 pointsSource: