NEWS - Thursday, June 21, 2007

Kobayashi Talks More DMC 4
Kobayashi reconfirmed that Dante will get a piece of the action, but he wont be unlockable. Our demon slayer in red will be made available to play as story unfolds. "He is not an unlockable bonus character, but is playable as part of the game’s storyline,” said Kobayashi. Other characters from earlier in the series will be playable too, but we dont know yet who theyll be. “I can’t reveal who, but there will be characters from the series appearing in the game. That’s something you’ll have to play the game to find out!” It would be pretty cool to swing the Yamato as Vergil again, but this blogger is rooting for Lady. Picking up new weapons from enemy bosses is a thing in the past, but Nero will be learning new skills for his Devil Bringer. We dont know yet if Devil Trigger will be scrapped too, but Kobayashi doesnt deny the possibility. Most fans know that the North American versions Normal difficulty was equivalent of Japans Hard. This time around, difficulty will be the identical worldwide. Speaking of identical, there wont be any differences between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. Thats right, no reason for fanboys to fight. “There are currently no plans to support the Sixaxis controller,” said Kobayashi. There are also no plans for online multiplayer, but it wont be surprising to have 2-player support. DMC 3 allowed a second player to control Dantes Doppelganger image, and even Vergil on a certain part of the game so we might see Dante side by side with Nero. Finally, no DMC 4 demo at E3. Doesnt seem too bad, since it can only mean Capcoms focusing on the release. Well get something at Tokyo Game Show to ease the pain of waiting for the game to hit the shelves come Q1 2008.Source: