NEWS - Monday, June 18, 2007

3D Realms New Shooter Revealed
The first info is beginning to trickle in on 3D Realms promised "big announcement", Earth No More, a new Xbox 360 shooter from ex-Max Payne developers Recoil Gamers. Revealed in the latest Game Informer, officially the last remaining source of videogame reveals, Earth No More looks a bit like 28 Days Later crossed with War of the Worlds - but without any of the aliens. The story opens in a small New England town quarantined due to a mysterious outbreak. Poison red Vines spread quickly, terraforming the environment and surrounding wildlife. Trying to avoid genre clichés, the source of the spore isnt from space, but mans own abuse and tampering of mother earth. Apparently the main focus of the game will be on human interaction, with a conversation mechanic said to rival that of Mass Effect - a bloody tall statement indeed. You play as a young chap in the epicentre of the outbreak, along with a team of four mates each with their own back stories, motivations and secrets. According to the GI article, youll get to see "real character growth" in the game. Theres more than a whiff of Half-Life 2 in the first details; ENM is totally without cut-scenes and features a team mechanic similar to that of Valves shooter (though hopefully with more depth). Interestingly, Recoil Gamers promises online co-op for the entire campaign, allowing players to jump in and control single-player enemies much like upcoming PC shooter The Crossing. With a 2009 date touted, its a still a bit early to be getting excited. Who wants to take bets itll be out before Duke Nukem, though?Source: