NEWS - Sunday, June 17, 2007

Flatout: Ultimate Carnage: Achievements
1. Go That Extra Mile Drive a total distance of 1001 miles. 40 points 2. Insane Air Jump at least 10m high with your car on a Carnage or normal Race. 20 points 3. Heavy Blast ??? 30 points 4. Frank Malcov Award ??? 20 points 5. Burnin Up Burn nitro continuously for at least 10 seconds in a normal race. 20 points 6. Schoolmaster Be the best wrecker in 50 races. 15 points 7. Keep on Truckin Win 15 Derbies. 15 points 8. Lightning Fast Get the fastest lap of the race in 50 races. 15 points 9. Windshield Breaker Get 30 Crash-Out crash bonuses. 15 points 10. Thats a Start Now thats a start! Youve completed your first cup in FlatOut Mode. 10 points 11. On a Roll Complete your first class in the FlatOut Mode. 20 points 12. Give Me Glory Get 1 million points in the Carnage Mode. 20 points 13. Carnage Master Complete Carnage Mode. 30 points 14. Carnage Wizard Complete Carnage Mode with all gold. 40 points 15. Race Master Complete FlatOut Mode. 30 points 16. Race Wizard Complete FlatOut Mode with all gold in all cups and events. 50 points 17. Fragman Complete all the Deathmatch Derbies in Carnage Mode with all gold. 20 points 18. Elite Stuntman Complete all the Stunts in Carnage Mode with all gold. 20 points 19. Master Stuntman Complete all the Stunts in Carnage Mode with silver or better. 15 points 20. Bomb Car Racer Complete all Beat the Bomb’s in Carnage Mode with all gold. 20 points 21. Derby Expert Complete all derbies in FlatOut Mode with all gold. 20 points 22. Pro Racer Complete all Time Trials in FlatOut Mode with all gold. 20 points 23. Holy Slammaster Get 100 Slam crash bonuses. 15 points 24. Master Trucker Win a Head On or normal race with the Truck. 10 points 25. Crashman Returns Win all Bonus Race Single Events with the Flatmobile. 30 points 26. Real Habanero Win Derby class in Flatout Mode (all cups gold) with an unupgraded Chili. 60 points 27. Car Rental Service Own at least 6 vehicles at the same time. 40 points 28. Used Car Salesman Sell 10 cars. 35 points 29. Pro Tuner Own a fully upgraded Street class car in FlatOut Mode. 25 points 30. Total Domination Achieve all 4 “Top Driver” awards in one race and win the race. 30 points 31. BangnSlam Get 5 Slams in one race. 10 points 32. Windshield Tester Get 10 Crash-Out bonuses 15 points 33. Hostmaster Host 10 online matches. 10 points 34. Online Race Veteran Win 10 online Races. 10 points 35. Online Race Pro Win 25 ranked online Races. 20 points 36. Online Stunt Veteran Win 10 online ragdoll Stunts. 10 points 37. Online Stunt Pro Win 30 ranked online ragdoll Stunts. 20 points 38. Online Derby Veteran Win 10 online Derbies. 10 points 39. Online Derby Pro Win 20 ranked online Derbies. 20 points 40. Live Ammunition Wreck 10 opponents in online races. 30 points 41. Live to Crash Wreck 3 or more opponents in the same online race (normal or Head-On). 25 points 42. Live to Race Clean Complete an online Race without crashing into anyone, and without ragdolling at all. 25 points 43. Fragmaster Live Get a frag streak of 5 or more in an online Deathmatch Derby. 20 points 44. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 10 points 45. Secret Achievement Secret achievement. 15 pointsSource: