NEWS - Friday, May 11, 2007

Condemned 2: Bloodshot to be Available on Xbox360
SEGA has officially announced the development of the sequel to Condemned: Criminal Origins titled Condemned 2: Bloodshot. The company said that the game's developers Monolith Productions, will be releasing the game on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game has been spruced up with new fighting mechanics along with online multiplayer functionality. Gamers will take on the role of Ethan Thomas in this first-person action thriller. Ethan is a former Serial Crimes Unit investigator, who has been recalled to investigate into the disappearance of his partner. "Condemned 2: Bloodshot will keep gamers on the edge of their seats. Experience all the tension, psychological terror, and a variety of first-person hand-to-hand fighting mechanics in this innovative atmospheric thriller gamers have been longing for", said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of Marketing, SEGA of America. New fighting module includes ability to grapple, hold and a number of other offensive and defensive combo chains. Gamers can make use of high-tech forensic tools, apart from their deductive skills and brute force, to track down the killers in a number of ways.Source: