NEWS - Thursday, May 10, 2007

Shadowrun Goes Gold for Xbox 360
The game that’s supposed to change the playing field for online gaming competition has just gone gold. According to Microsoft the game is done and finished on the development front, and now it’s just a matter of getting it packaged and making sure that retailers have a good supply for trigger-finger gamers. Up to 16 players can interoperably compete across the Xbox 360s Xbox Live and Games for Windows Live feature. Gamers will have the option of playing humans, dwarves and elves, as a battle for supremacy begins. Weapons and magic are not off-limits and it will be one heck of a frag-fest as console gamers will PC gamers can lay the smack down on each other. According to the press release, “Not only does Shadowrun bring these communities together, it also extends the features gamers love on Xbox LIVE, such as gamertags, achievements, friends lists and integrated voice communication, onto the PC through Games for Windows LIVE. Shadowrun is optimized for a multiplayer online experience which requires an Xbox LIVE Gold account on Xbox 360 or Silver account on Games for Windows LIVE.” Once Shadowrun hits the retail circuit, you can pick it up for the Xbox 360 at the wallet-dieting price of $59.99 and for Windows at the standard $49.99 price.Source: