NEWS - Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Activision Confirms Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
CoD 4 is being developed by Infinity Ward (responsible for the original Call of Duty game on PC and Call of Duty 2), and the video will show during the NFL draft on ESPN over the pond at 1pm EDT/10am PDT. Activision isn't spilling any details on Modern Warfare, but rumor of the sequel hitting back in March 2006 suggested it deals with tackling terrorists around the globe in an attempt to thwart plans that involve unleashing an arsenal of chemical weapons. Players, according to the rumor, will operate as part of the S.A.S., US Marines and the US Army, with the action occurring in such locations as the Middle-East, the streets of Eastern Europe, aboard sea vessels in the North Atlantic and London. Lending credence to this info is the fact that it was accompanied at the time by rumored details on Call of Duty 3, which turned out to be pretty much spot on.Source: