NEWS - Monday, April 9, 2007

Tom Clancy Viral Campaign Launched
Ubisoft has launched a mysterious new website at, which appears to be a teaser for a new Tom Clancy game. The page features the bruised and bloodied face of a middle-aged man who grimaces while ominous voices read off a death toll. A text readout scrolls over the picture which appears to be collecting data on the gentleman. The Tom Clancy logo is unmistakable at the bottom of the screen. The site is interactive, and clicking on various texts triggers new audio clips. The clips seem to be different memories of the man in question. Some of them just play spooky sounds, while others make mention of various fictional news occurrences. In what sounds like a radio news recording, a woman mentions the dissolution of OPEC and NATO, as well as reverse immigration into Asia. Clicking at other pieces of scrolling text will yield sounds of families being slaughtered and military squads getting shot down. While none of this really provides any insight into just what this game is exactly, it does illuminate what will hopefully be some thematic motifs. It appears that the man featured so prominently may be mentally ill, as the scrolling text often makes reference to his waning mental faculties. The biggest clue on the website really is the Tom Clancy icon lurking at the bottom of the page. We had heard mention of a possible Tom Clancy game being worked on at Ubisoft Shanghai months ago. It is highly likely that this is that game. Commence