NEWS - Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Forza Motorsport 2 Demo Confirmed
"The rumors this week of a downloadable demo are true and the details on timing will be confirmed in the coming weeks," said the company. Game Director Dan Greenawalt, "Soon, gamers will get a taste of the raw horsepower the Xbox 360 game engine has provided as we redefine what it means to be a racing simulator with Forza Motorsport 2. "Whether it's the hundreds of thousands of physics parameters captured from countless man hours taking track measurements and capturing car data to harnessing the power of the industry's most advanced the neural-network search algorithms, non-linear and linear math models as well as AI simulation systems from our Microsoft Research Labs, we've turned mountains of real world raw data into a living, breathing racing simulator where the only difference between the game and reality is that you're not risking life and limb when you hit a wall at 200 mph." Forza Motorsport 2 is due for release in May. More on the demo as soon as we get it.Source: