NEWS - Friday, March 9, 2007

Peter Molyneux Shows Off Fable 2
Molyneuxs speech was titled "Innovations in Fable 2," and it was interesting to note that someone had thought to make a little joke. When the title was displayed on a giant screen before the speech, it was accompanied by a subtitle in teeny, tiny letters. "Or: How to Keep Promises," the subtitle read. For Fable 2, Molyneux promised three innovations, but vowed only to reveal one. It was the same innovation hed showed two days ago at a Microsoft-sponsored press event, a dog companion that every player in the action-heavy role-playing game will have. The dog, of course, is both a gameplay tool and companion. For Molyneux, its also a means to an end. That end, of course, is love and real human emotion. "I dont mean rumpy-pumpy love," he said, although he noted that it will be possible for two people in Fable 2 to have sex and, possibly, produce children. Instead, Molyneux was referring to a simple emotional response. "If I can get you to care about something," he said, "Ive got you." The dog will love the player unconditionally. It will morph to reflect the players alignment, and the first rule of its behavior is to never become a nuisance. It will respond to a players actions, playing dead, say, after the hero has let loose a fart of unimaginable proportions. Further, it can be trained and, Molyneux hinted it will possible for two dog owners to meet, most probably over Xbox 360 Live. Most of all, the dog will evoke an emotional response. At one point, the crowd booed when Molyneux directed the hero to run away from the injured dog as it bravely attempted to hobble back to his side after a battle. The dog, Molyneux said, will attempt to follow his master even under such conditions, suggesting that the hero might be at some pub chatting up a woman when the injured dog finally arrives scratching at the door. "I want you to feel something, man, when you play the game," Molyneux said.Source: