NEWS - Friday, February 9, 2007

Gears of Wars Claiming Eight Awards
This is incredible," said Epics CEO Michael Capps at the 10th Annual Interactive Entertainment Awards, held at the DICE Summit in Las Vegas. "Getting sales is great, making the game we wanted and having people buy it and enjoy it is fantastic. But having our peers say its the best game of the year? Thats insane. We beat the Wii." The company won eight awards, including Overall Game of the Year and Console Game of the Year, beating off rival titles The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Wii Sports and Eldar Scrolls IV: Oblivion. "The thing is," added lead designer Cliff Blezinsky, "being on the outside of this industry looking in as a kid, and wanting to be part of it, and then being able to be here and get an award from all of these talented people whove been in the business for so long, finally to be a part of it, to be recognised like this is absolutely unbelievable. We could not be honoured more." "Gears was about implementation," Capps responded. "This is a game were proud of implementing well. There was some innovation - Cliff was responsible for some pretty sexy new stuff. But I think this was about making it right, making it fun. Everything in there was fun." "I think theres a lot of iteration and a lot of polish that went into the game," Blezinsky added. "Ive actually heard a compliment from people saying it has a learning curve. Which, as a designer, that actually means the game has some cool new features in it." Capps took the opportunity to promise even bigger things from the companys next project, Unreal Tournament. "Were going to knock your socks off," he promised. "Gears looked good, but thats like the old game on Unreal 3 [engine]. Unreal Tournament looks good."Source: