NEWS - Friday, January 5, 2007

Lost Planet: Advanced Techniques
Lost Planet is set to arrive on store shelves across America next week. If youve been following the game closely, youve likely already downloaded and played the E3 single player demo and the more recent multiplayer online demo. By now youve surely become a master or running across the frozen landscapes and tearing your opponents to shreds with a Vital Suit chaingun. Or perhaps you havent. Either way, were here to show you a few of the cooler little things that arent readily apparent in Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. There isnt a whole lot of in-game direction in Lost Planet, so read on to learn some of the moves weve come across, from the basic to the kick ass. Anchor One of the most basic maneuvers in Lost Planet, the anchor is your grappling hook. Use it to reach ledges that you cant jump high enough to reach. Or, take it one step further and start anchoring on to walls or other objects in front of you to pull yourself over and reach your destination faster than you normally would on foot. The anchor can be used in more advanced techniques as well, as well see below. Rappelling Drop off of a ledge and youll instantly start repelling. You can hang there and shoot at people, drop some grenades down on the melee below, start lowering yourself, or quickly climb back up. If you take one little shot though, youll lose your grip and start falling. Headshot The standard headshot is a one hit kill with the rifle. Pressing up on the directional pad initiates a zoom with any weapon, though the rifle allows multiple magnifications. Youll want to get good at this for the online matches. Grenade Shot This works exceptionally well with disc grenades and the standard fragmentation variety. If you toss a grenade and see that it is going to miss the mark, or if youd just like to detonate it before the fuse runs out, you can shoot it out of the air. If your disc grenade looks like it will sail wide of its target, make sure you shoot it out of the air to at least deal some splash damage. Cancel Anchor After you latch onto an object, your grappling hook will start reeling you in. If you dont want to go all the way there or realize youve latched onto the wrong object, you can cancel your anchor by tapping the X Button. This also allows you to refrain from doing the ledge hop that always ends each anchor if you tap X just before you reach the wall which can get you moving along faster in an online game. Anchor Shot Anchor on to an Akrid or a VS and youre ready to do an anchor shot. Once you start reeling in, hold down the right trigger to do a shot or the left trigger to use a grenade. When you reach your target, youll hold on and unload to the point of having to reload at point blank range. VS Eject If you dont have a powerful weapon, all hope is not lost against the powerful Vital Suits. Not every VS has a complete metal encasing for its human rider, making them vulnerable to small fire. A well placed rifle shot will cause a player to get ejected out of the VS and leave the ride in one piece for your use. Melt the Snow Many VS parts, entire rides, and weapons can be found buried in the snow. Digging them out, especially during a multiplayer match, can be time consuming and dangerous. Toss a grenade on them and let the heat do the work. Youll find that once the smoke clears, the snow will be gone. Weak Points The weak point on the Akrid is obvious. Their orange glowing bellies, tails, and arms let everyone know that they have precious thermal energy stored within and make a nice target. The Vital Suits also have a weak point. Each one is different, but they are generally on the joints. If youre left with just a machine gun, aim for the knees and elbows.Source: