NEWS - Monday, December 18, 2006

GRAW Producer Says Gears A ‘Short Thrill’
Olivier Dauba, content producer of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, says rival Xbox 360 shooter Gears of Wear is only worth playing for ten minutes. In an interview with CVG, Dauba says, “Gears of War is an absolutely awesome ten minutes, but if you play 20 minutes it doesnt bring anything new." He talks about the forthcoming GRAW II, "We try to go beyond that and making something that lasts for quite a few hours. Its a different game maybe but in my opinion were aiming for something deeper and wider with a bigger scope. Were designing our game as a more long-term experience." The GRAW 2 producer continues saying that he thinks Gears is a very good game, but "the core gameplay is very simple" adding, "you take cover, you aim and basically thats it. Ghost Recon in my opinion has a much deeper layer of tactical choices and the environments are actually different as well; Gears of War looks more or less the same to me - this type of destroyed city and destroyed environment."Source: