NEWS - Friday, November 24, 2006

New Dark Sector Website
Some of the things you know about Dark Sector are likely right. Hi, I’m Sheldon Carter, the Producer of Dark Sector. I managed to bog down our Project Lead, Steve Sinclair, with enough work that I was able to screw him out of the honour of the first post on this Blog. So, let’s get down to it: Everything you know about Dark Sector is probably wrong. I liked that tag line just because of all of the mystery surrounding this project for the past months, but after the Game Informer article it’s not as true anymore. For us, it was pretty cool to finally be able to reveal so many of the secrets about the game, the setting, and to actually show the graphics and gameplay to the press. Even better was that it was really well received and it turned out to be a great article. The build we showed Game Informer was not only cool because we landed the cover, but we also had a chance to focus test the gameplay with a few peeps in Chicago. Aside from re-learning that everyone except me seems to be playing Madden football (our focus test was during its release week), watching new players with the game gave us some solid insight on things to improve and to make sure there are visual answers to questions like:Source: