NEWS - Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Xbox
November 15, 2001 was the day that Xbox® first showed up on store shelves. A year later, we saw the debut of Xbox Live®. Its been five amazing years, and we appreciate every single one of you that have been along for the ride. Heres what some of your fellow community members had to say about the momentous occasion: I remember about 4-5 months after the original Xbox launch … I had just had reconstructive knee surgery and I was in the market for a console. I did some research and I was contemplating picking up a Gamecube, as I was a huge N64 fan. Anyway, Ill never forget hobbling into Best Buy to pick up a Cube and seeing an Xbox kiosk playing Halo®. Wow, I was just amazed. Needless to say, I bought an Xbox that day and Ill never look back or regret my decision. Thank you MS for getting me through some tough times while I was laid up. XBOX FTW! Happy Birthday! Looking forward to his younger brothers b-day in the coming weeks … Happy birthday Xbox! Many, many all-nighters spent on the big black box! I remember almost five years ago I bought Halo, Project Gotham Racing®, and Xbox at my local Wal-Mart … good times, good times. I still buy games for it today, bought Mortal Kombat®: Armageddon™ recently, best original Xbox game of 2006. The Xbox was the first console to do online gaming right—and the competition is still playing catch up. Xbox brand, to me at least, represents a way of life. Yeah, most of us couldve played it safe and stayed with the norm, just kept gaming on the PlayStation like everyone else. But 5 years ago, Microsoft offered us a choice, better yet a voice! By actually listening to the community, Xbox has taken gaming to another level. I didnt get an Xbox right away because I was somewhat of a Nintendo fanboy in my younger gaming years. Then I was introduced to Halo and all of that changed. I bought an Xbox for Halo® 2, and Halo 2 alone. But eventually I saw there were a bevy of other great games for Xbox. Anyway Happy Birthday Xbox! Happy Birthday Xbox! This was the console that started a revolution in gaming, imo. Microsoft learned from their first experience with Xbox and are now the ones dominating this generation. Halo, Dead or Alive® 3, and Tom Clancys Splinter Cell® are amongst the best games that attracted me. Oh, I also almost forgot Ninja Gaiden®. Future game to buy on original Xbox: MKA! Happy Birthday Xbox, I still have mine hooked up and rockin! Yes! Xbox is still my favorite console due to the nostalgia and memories, but Xbox 360™ is already going to beat it out.I still have my original Xbox, and never once had a problem with it, and owned 45 games at the end. I love it, and will have it with me for the rest of my life. I still keep it in my 4 slot component rack, and itll never move. Happy Birthday Xbox. I never had a Xbox v1, but my flatmate at the time got one, I remember thinking that it was amazing, but the best thing about it was the variety of drinking games we devised with it, every time someone won they would jump upwith their arms crossed shouting about how they had the X factor! Happy days! Happy Birthday Xbox! Happy Birthday Xbox! Its because of you that I am still a gamer. When SEGA announced the discontinued support of their Dreamcast, I thought that was the end of my console gaming days. I wasnt interested in the PS2 or the Gamecube. Then, I played DOA3, and I was sold. I still play my original Xbox (mainly Shenmue 2 and Breakdown), and it works just fine. Happy Birthday to the Xbox! I used to be a PS2 gamer, until I played my brothers Xbox. I instantly cut a deal with him, bought his Xbox, and sold my PS2. I got a lot of use out of it, until the 360 came out—then I sold it. I kind of wish I still had it, because Ive been wanting to play Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30™ ever since I sold my Xbox. Thank you, Xbox, for all of the great memories (mostly from Halo 2, which I dont play nearly as often anymore). Ever since I got an Xbox on December 25, 2003, I have never looked at any other gaming system and now that I have a Xbox 360, the PS3 and WII are nothing to my 360. As long as Microsoft makes a game system, Ill buy it and lets have 5 more years of Xbox gaming and "HAPPY BIRTHDAY XBOX!" Go Xbox Go!!! Wow, it came so fast, I remember waiting in line with my brother for the original Xbox 5 years ago, man we had a great time waiting for it, then when we got home: OMG, it was Halo time, and for the next 3 years, we loved that game on co-op mode. Eventually he went off to college so it was just me and the Box and I got Halo 2 and that was a year of my life drained playing that 4 hours a day everyday, until the 360. I want to thank Microsoft and the Xbox community for draining my life with the Xbox for 5 years and hopefully for another 5+ years. Go Xbox and its community! I would like to wish a very big Happy Birthday to Xbox! Its been 5 years since I played it for the first time and 4 years since Ive owned my own. I still play my Xbox today with games like Midnight Club™ 3: DUB® Edition and Burnout® 3: Takedown™. I do still plan on buying games for it if they do turn out to be a must buy. I will admit that I think the Xbox still has something the 360 doesnt, and thats the memories. Ever since I got Xbox Live about a year after it came out, all I remember is making some of the best friends I have ever had who have also upgraded to a 360. Xbox Live opened me up to a whole new world and made meinto an Xbox freak. I joined a clan for the first time on Tom Clancys Rainbow Six®: Black Arrow™, and I joined a legit and elite group of members on Midnight Club 3. The 360 has given me some memories as well, but I think Ill have better ones after powerhouses like Halo® 3, Tom Clancys Rainbow Six® Vegas, and Gears of War® come out. Ive done everything I could to trick out my Xbox without cracking it open, and it still gets the attention of any guests. Xbox will always stay in my room, and will never be sold or given away. Well, Happy Birthday Xbox! Long Live the King!!! Well, believe it or not I did not buy my Xbox at launch. My friend got it for Christmas, (keep in mind we were about 12 or 13) which was a month after launch. I had no idea what an Xbox was, I thought there was just PlayStation. As always, on every Christmas, you go over to your friends house to see what he got. My friend got this Xbox and a game named, "Halo." I thought Xbox would be bad, but then when we played the game, we were both amazed. I saw the graphics and the first thing I noticed on the level Halo was the grass. It was just a texture but I thought it was amazing and I was hooked. I waited and waited and got one for my birthday 4 or 5 months later and have been hooked since. Then I got onto Xbox Live with Project Gotham Racing® 2, and I was in heaven. Thanks for a great time Microsoft, and thanks to the Xbox team. Last year I gave away my original Xbox to a kid in my first grade class that I helped teach at for an hour a day. He lost his mom about 2 years ago and really wanted an Xbox for Christmas. But his dad couldnt afford it, so I talked it over with his dad and agreed to be in the Christmas spirit and gave up my big black box. He was extremely happy from what I have been told. I do get around to playing some Halo 2 online every once in a while, otherwise its mainly 360 games or the forums for me. I just want to wish Xbox (original) a happy birthday and happy upcoming birthday to Xbox 360. Keep up the hard work and keep the fun coming MS. Some key highlights for me from the history of the original Xbox: August, 2001: Taking the entire week of November 15 off for vacation November 15, 2001: Being the second person in line at my local EB Games to pick up my baby! November 16, 2001: Waking up 20 hours later with my Duke tightly gripped in hand, drool rolling down my chin, and Halo still running on the screen! November, 2002: Participating in the Xbox Live Beta Program! (Ive got great hands and an orange memory unit! Re-Volt FTW!) May 12, 2005: Being first in line to preorder my Xbox 360 after the unveiling at the MTV special. Heres to 5 more great years Xbox and Xbox 360!Source: