NEWS - Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lost Odyessy Details Revealed
In this week's Famitsu magazine, Hironobu Sakaguchi conducted an interview with the magazine about Mistwalker's Lost Odyssey, which is scheduled for release sometime in 2007. In the interview, Sakaguchi reveals many interesting tidbits about the game and the demo, which will be playable at next week's Tokyo Game Show. To start off the interview, Sakaguchi revealed that in the end, the team decided that the game will be running at 30fps, which is no doubt a disappointment to a lot of 360 owners. However, Sakaguchi did make mention that the models that are being used in rendered movies will look nearly the same as the real time models, so transitions between the two will be seamless for the most part. There are some interesting pieces of information about the system that's being used in the game. From Sakaguchi's explanation, it seems that when an enemy dies in battle, then the ones who haven't died yet will be able to extract their power and use it for themselves. In addition to that, Sakaguchi explains that the game has a hero that can never die, so there's no possibility of getting a 'Game Over' screen. Mr. Sakaguchi also informed the magazine about what the other members of his team are doing concerning the game. Character designer Takahiro Inoue is checking all of the model renders, while Kiyoshi Shigematsu has been hard at work at finalizing all of the text in the game. In fact, the final text message that will be in the playable demo is written by Shigematsu himself. Speaking of demos, Sakaguchi also made mention of a playable demo that will be available along with Famitsu magazine, sometime in November. From the screenshots that Famitsu has in their interview, we can tell that Lost Odyssey is going to be a more traditional RPG than most people would initially think. One screenshot shows off your main character Gaim with his cohorts Sesu and Yansen in a Final Fantasy-esque battle, complete with menus. It seems that there isn't any special system being used in the game just yet, since all of the commands listed in the screenshot are very basic (Attack, Item, Magic, Run). However, Sakaguchi informed Famitsu in the interview that only the basic system will be available in the TGS demo, with anything special being left out. To finish off the interview, Famitsu and Sakaguchi touched on Mistwalker's other games, such as Blue Dragon, Cry On (the Mistwalker and Cavia DS game) and Archaic Sealed Heat (A.S.H.). Sakaguchi promised that Blue Dragon will definitely be released within this year, while ASH is expected to see the light of day in the first half of next year. As for Cry On, Sakaguchi admitted that he doesn't know when the game will be released.Source: