NEWS - Friday, September 1, 2006

Assassins Creed Confirmed For Xbox 360
Lance Bass had one. Milli Vanilli had one. Ubisoft had one. It took some time, but eventually all their poorly kept secrets came out, and in the gaming world, it means Xbox 360 owners will be very happy. Ubisoft today finally revealed that its anticipated game Assassins Creed will be coming to the Xbox 360, as many had suspected. The announcement comes a day after the publisher admitted the game would be headed for the PC. The news settles one of the hottest topics in the gaming world this year, as debate over whether or not the game was sneaking onto the Xbox 360 in addition to the PlayStation 3 raged. Though initially announced at Microsofts X05 event as Project Assassins in 2005, the game was first shown off as Assassins Creed and revealed as a PlayStation 3 game at E3 2006--an Xbox 360 and PC version was not mentioned. Eyebrows were raised at other systems exclusion, especially since it was originally revealed as an Xbox 360 title. Rumors ran amok all year, as a few believed the E3 demo was being shown on Xbox 360 dev kits, some sites said a loose-lipped Ubi rep confirmed a 360 version at Frances Interactive Digital Entertainment Festival. Something smells here... and it smells really good!Source: http://www.GameSpot .com