NEWS - Monday, August 21, 2006

Madden ’07 To Ship With Large Known Bug
The bug reports are already coming in about Madden 2007 on the 360. It seems the first issue was Hall of Fame players showing up in franchise mode, but EA reported that as working correctly. You can in fact draft those players from the jump after you've unlocked them. The other issue was that players weren't fatiguing. That ended up being an actual problem, and EA's response doesn't give us a lot of confidence. That's actually not the case. The UI isn't registering it... You fatigue at a lower pace than in the past, but it isn't reflected in the UI. [It's] Something we're addressing and fixing right now. So fatigue is happening, you just can't see it. And according to this report the fix won't happen before you get the game; we can expect a patch "soon" after we buy it. When? All we know is "very soon, around the release date." So maybe a few hours, maybe a few days, but rest assured you will be buying a broken product. I can't imagine playing a football game without being able to accurately gauge fatigue; players who live and die by their stats are going to be upset when players start acting tired even though they look fresh. This is not a small issue, and it seems like it would be hard to miss the fact that fatigue isn't showing up in the UI. It took them this long to find it, and they don't know if the fix will be available the first day of release?Source: