NEWS - Sunday, June 25, 2006

World Cup For Xbox Hard To Find
With World Cup action heating up in Germany, it seems North American soccer fans are showing their support by buying out the official Fifa World Cup 2006 game in many stores. The availability of the Xbox title specifically is scarce with EB Games having the title on back order. Game Stop’s collection is low, too. A check on locations in the Tampa area has the title being hit-or-miss with some sellers having a few copies and others none at all. It appears as if Wal-Mart, Target and Best Buy do have the title online right now, but how many are left on the shelves at these stores’ physical locations is anyone’s guess. Even, it seems only has two sellers with the title at the moment. Coming in at $29.99 a pop for the Xbox, the game’s touted as a way for fans to battle it out for national pride. A total of 127 teams are available for gamers to control with teams coming from every corner of the globe. Although it’s the Xbox title that appears to be in short supply, there's little doubt finding the title for other platforms will be hit-or-miss, as well, if the draw of playing favorite teams is running this high.Source: