NEWS - Thursday, June 15, 2006

Call Of Duty Xbox 360 Tournament
So, you consider yourself a grizzled veteran when it comes to war thanks to Call of Duty 2 on the Xbox 360? If thats the case, and youre interested in winning some prizes -- like a 2006 Jeep Wrangler and Best Buy gift cards -- then youll want to sign up before June 16 at Best Buy and Activisions) official sign up site. (Youll need an Xbox Live Gold account to participate.) Over 500, four-man teams will be competing in a bracket style competition where its one and out, culling the field down to the best eight players. The Global Gaming League will be helping to coordinate the proceedings to ensure the quality of the tournament. "The Call of Duty 2 Tournament gives our customers a chance to test their skills and compete for prizes in a game they really love to play," said Jill Hamburger, vice president of video games at Best Buy. "Our online tournaments are really popular. By offering them, were helping people make the most of their gaming systems and experience their games like never before."Source: