NEWS - Friday, June 2, 2006

New Oblivion Content
The world of Oblivion wont stop expanding. Listed on the official download site is a preview for yet another piece of content, Mehrunes Razor. This represents the fifth piece of pay-for-download content released since the retail version hit shelves in March. When its released, Mehrunes Razor will give players the ability to explore the largest dungeon in Cyrodiil, acquire 17 new magic items, 12 new books and notes for extra backstory, and, most importantly, acquire a new Daedric Artifact. Called Mehrunes Razor, the item will allow for instant enemy kills. The plotlines associated with the download revolve around the dagger falling into the wrong hands. Your task will be, not surprisingly, to prevent such a potentially disastrous occurrence from taking place. At $2.99 for the PC, this will be the most expensive download yet. As of now theres no indication of the Xbox 360 download price, but so far both PC and console prices have been practically identical.Source: