NEWS - Monday, April 24, 2006

EA RPG to rival Oblivion?
EA has launched a teaser website for a new next-gen RPG currently known as The Gray Company. There are few details of the game released so far, other than a few pieces of artwork on the website and the following information. “What’s this new RPG all about?” said Executive Producer Steve Gray. “I can’t release too much detail just yet, but here’s what I can tell you. The action takes places in a massive open world where you can go anywhere you want and the characters in this world are powered by incredible simulation AI based on the same technology used by the makers of The Sims 2. The story of the game is built around a series of Story Quests. You can choose to follow specific Story Quests, embark on a range of other types of quests, or set off on your own adventures in the massive open world environment." No formats have been announced yet, but expect the game to appear on Xbox 360, PC and possibly PlayStation 3. Meanwhile you can visit the official site The title Gray Company is also intriguing because it may hint at a Lord of the Rings connection.Source: