NEWS - Thursday, March 23, 2006

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Stores Now
The Elder Scrolls® IV: Oblivion™ is now available for the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC in stores across North America and will be available at stores in Europe on March 24th. The long-awaited Oblivion represents the quintessential role-playing experience for the next-generation of gaming, inviting gamers into the sprawling environments of Tamriel, the most vibrant game-world ever created. With a powerful combination of freeform gameplay and lush, unprecedented graphics, gamers can choose to unravel Oblivions epic narrative or simply explore the vast landscape in search of their own unique challenges. Oblivions story begins with the mysterious assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim VII, leaving the kingdoms throne dangerously vacant. With the Empire ready to crumble, the gates of Oblivion are thrust open, scattering demons and other hellish creatures across the countryside. To turn the tide, gamers must journey to find the Emperors lost heir and defeat the plot that threatens to destroy all of Tamriel. "Oblivion is an engrossing and unique role-playing experience with incredibly deep gameplay," said Christoph Hartmann, Managing Director of 2K Games. "Gamers will be amazed when they see the revolutionary features that have made Oblivion one of the most anticipated titles of 2006." Oblivion promises to be the defining RPG for the next generation, combining landmark visuals, a sprawling, sandbox universe with more than 200 hours of gameplay, intense first-person combat and realistic characters driven by the groundbreaking Radiant AI. The Elder Scrolls® IV: Oblivion is available for both the PC and Xbox 360 in regular and collectors editions. The collectors edition includes a 112-page Pocket Guide to the Empire, detailing every aspect of the world of Tamriel, as well as an extensive "Making of Oblivion" documentary and an authentic replication of the Septim Gold Coin, the official currency of Tamriel. PC gamers will also be able to bend the world of Tamriel to their will with the extensive Elder Scrolls Construction Set™. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for Xbox 360 and PC, co-published by 2K Games and Bethesda Softworks, has been rated "T" for Teen by the ESRB. For more information on the title visit the official web site at . About Bethesda Softworks Headquartered in Rockville, MD, Bethesda Softworks LLC, a subsidiary of ZeniMax Media Inc., is a premier developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software and has produced numerous award-winning titles, most recently with the 2002 PC and Xbox® Game of the Year and RPG of the Year, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrrowind®. Among Bethesdas more popular franchises are The Elder Scrolls® series and Fallout®, as well as its licensed properties, Pirates of the Caribbean™ and Star Trek®. Its product line spans the sports, racing, RPG, strategy, and action genres. For more information on Bethesda Softworks products, visit .Source: