NEWS - Monday, March 6, 2006

Rockstar’s Next Killer App!
For what seems to be quite a suprise move by the company, today we see Rockstar Games presenting a table tennis game as their first planned title for the Xbox 360. To many Xbox 360 owners this probably isn't the game they were hoping for from the company given that most Xbox titles ported were of a more violent breed. The game appears to be their attempt at a Virtua Tennis in a sense where they sweep users up in the experience itself and not so much insane HDR and texturing. The announcement comes with ship dates planned this May and the Rockstar San Diego team being assigned to it. Users in the US can expect it to arrive May 22nd, 2006 for $39.99 while UK users should be seeing it around May 26, 2006 for around EUR 39.99 and GBP 29.99. Given the popularity of titles like this in the past as a suprise shot to owners it isn't totally out of the question for it to be a sleeper that catches the attention of them. We'll see how it pans out as the release approaches.Source: